Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 10.djvu/94

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74 THIR/I‘Y—SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 106. 1852. Oswego. For the district of Oswego, or of which Oswego is the port of entry, New York, three hundred dollars. h d ed d Har Vermont. For the district of Vermont, two un r o s. Sem Francisco. For the district of San Francisco, California, fifteen hundred dollars. Instruments of Sec. 34. And be it farther enacted, That the Secretary of the Trea- ¤>==¤¤l¤9¤l°¤ *0 sury shall provide the inspectors with a suitable number of instruments, b° p"°“d°d‘ of uniform construction, so as to give uniform results to test the strength of boilers. Record ofpas- Sec. 35. And be it further enacted That it shall be the duty of the f(°"§°‘;m°° *3 master of any such steamer to cause to be kept a correct list of all the tspbs Ogénmm passengers received and delivered from day to day, noting the places <¤¤¤¥¤l¤¤¤<>¤ by where received and where landed, which record shall be open to the inum m§lf;,°£;‘0n spection of the inspectors and officers of the customs at all times ; and master for neg- in case of default, through negligence or design, the said master shall I°°"·L,°n on tho forfeit one hundred dollars, whichhpenaltyi-aliawelljizttsé tpat for expeis og vggsgl for Pena]. passengers, as IIGH llfpon t C ?SSC '• Tg0W , OILCV6l‘;i f SH ties respecting may as provide or in other cases, e given secure e sa s ac ion pwgmguy bn of géacjudlgmintl 6 't fu the enacted That every master or commander given. _ . . n ez r r , T"’° °°P*°? °f of any such steamer, shall keep on board of such steamer, at least two

,%m;?°t§gtQY1;S!Q} copies of this act to be furnished to him by the Secretary of the Treathe 'Beasury) to sury; and if the master or commander neglects or refuses so to do, or
cl§°gi;{?n:’§§:g shall unreasonably refuse to exhibit a copy of the same to any passenlmn exhibitedtri ger who shall ask it he shall forfeit twenty dollars.
    • 3, P¤$¤°¤S91' Sec. And I»e,·it further enacted, That any inspector who shall,

gndlggpcggtygg upon any pretence, receive any fee or reward for his services rendered $20. _ under this act, except what is herein allowed to him, shall forfeit his P°""1*Y °“ “" office; and if found guilty, on indictment, be otherwise punished, accordspeetors, for re- . _ . . . cswing my but mg to the aggmvation of the offence, by fine not exceeding five hundred the above fim. dollars, or imprisonment not exceeding six months, or both. _ Pilots and on- Sec. 38. Andale it further enacted, That all engineers and pilots of any §";‘::;`“b°f;‘;e of such vessel shall, before entering upon their duties, make solemn oath Tripg 0,, um, befppp ope pif this insplptitopplfliiepein prpvided for, to lée recordedgviih ¢¤¤¤¤- cericae a ewi a1 uyan ones yaccording 0 is es sx and judgment, perform all the duties required of him by this act, with- Penalty cn out concealment or reservation; and if any such engineer, pilot, or any 3;;:; "‘};‘: Witness summoned under this act as a witness, shall, when under examiswsmhg. nation on oath, knowingly and intentionally falsify the truth, such person shall be deemed guilty of perjury, and if convicted be punished accordingly. Supervising an- Sec. 39. And be it further enacted, That the supervising inspectors

"f;°",n{€X;:: appointed under the provisions of this- act, shall, within their respective

mm respecting districts, under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury, take the permit wpi<>¤¤>· examination, or receive the statements in writing, of persons of practi- QJQQE £d°ff,’";'; cal knowledge and experience in the navigation of steam-vessels, the mit the nemo to construction and use of boilers, engines, machinery, and equipments, ig: °f touching the form, material, and construction of engines and their appurtenances; the causes of the explosion of boilers and collapse of ilues and the means of prevention; the kind and description of safety-valves, water and steam-gauges or indicators; equipments for the extinguishment of fires, and for the preservation of life in case of accident, on board of such vessels, and all other means in use or proper to be adopted, for the better security of the lives of persons on board vessels propelled in whole or in part by steam; the advantages and disadvantages of the different descriptions of boilers, engines, and their appurtenances, safety- valves water and steam-vauges or indicators equipments for the prevention oi extinguishment df tires, and the preservation of life in case of accident, in use on board such vessels; whether any, and what further legislation is necessary or proper for the better security of the lives of