Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 10.djvu/946

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902 CONSULAR CONVENTION WITII NEW GRANADA. MAY 4, 1850. Incase ofvio- 1. They may apply directly to 1. Dirijirse zi las Autoridzides del l¤}i<>¤ of lF¤¤l.Y the authorities of the district in distrito de su residéncia i oeurpip “‘P"1“"‘°““' which they reside, and they may in en caso necesério al Gobiemo Sucase of necessity, have recourse to promo por médio del agente diplothe national government through the matico de su Nacion, silo hubiére, 6 diplomatic agent of their nation, if directamente en caso, contrario, rethere be any, or directly, if there clamando contra cualquiera. infracbe no such agent, in complaint cion de los tratados de comercio que against any infraction of the treaties se cometa por las autoridades i 0 commerce committed by the au- empleztdos del pais, con pcrjuicio del thorities or persons employed by comercio de la Nacion a que el them in the country, to the injury Consul sirva. of the commerce of the nation in whose service the consul is engaged. · In c,,,, Ofabu. 2d. They may apply to the authori- 2. Diri_)irse‘a las Autoridades del ses onpart of ties of the consular district, and, in distrito Consular, i en caso necessi- ““th°““”• case of necessity, they may have rio, ocurrir al Gobierno Supreme recourse to the national government por medic del respectivo ajente dithrough the diplomatic agent of their plomatico, si lo hubiere, 6 directanation, if there be any, or directly, mente en caso contrario, contra cualif there be no such agent, against quiera abuso que los empleados 6 any abuse on the part of the au- Autoridades del pais cométan contra thorities of the country, or the per- individuos de la Nacion a,que sirva. sons employed by them, against in- el Consul, i siempre que fuere nedividuals of their nation in whose cesario promovér lo conveniente service the consul is engaged; and para que no se lcs niégue 6 retarde they may, when necessary, take such la administracion de justicia ipara. measures as may be proper to pre- que no sean juzgados ni penados vent justice from being denied to sino por los juéces compétentcs i t.hem,or delayed and to prevent them con arreglo rt las leyes vijentes. from being judged or punished by any other than competent judges, and agreeably to the laws in force. Tmfymayap- 3d.They may, as the natural de- 3. Como defensores naturales de peer or fellow fenders of their fellow-countrymen, sus compatriotas, podran present- °‘°"°“"‘ appear in their name and behalf, arse a su nombre, cuando por ellos whenever so requested by them, fuéren solicitados ante las respectbetore the respective authorities of ivas Antoridades del Pais, en los the place, in all cases in which their negocios en que tengan nccesidad de support may be necessary. apoyo. 1am1st1mm 4. They may accompany the cap- 4. Acompanar a los capitanes, ¤°*·¤°f°l‘ll¢<¢¥S<>ftains, mates, or masters of vessels contra maéstres, i patrones de los v°°°°1°' of their nation in all that they may buques de su Nacion, en todo lo have to do with regard to the mani- que tengan que hacér para el manifests of their merchandise and other fiesto de sus mercancias i despacho documents, and be present in all de documentos, i estar presentes en cases in which the authorities, courts, los actos en que por las Autoridades, or judges of the country may have Juéces, 6 Tribunales del pais, haya to take any declarations from the de tomarse alguna declaracion a. persons above mentioned, or any los dichos individuos i zi. cuales other belonging to their respective quiera otros que pertenézcan alas crews. respectivas tripulaciones. 5. They may receive depositions, 5. Recibir las declaraciones, proprotests, and statements from cap- testas, i relaciones de los capitanes, tains, mates, and masters of vessels contra maéstres, i patrones de los of their nation respecting losses and buques de su nacion, por razon de injuries sustained at sea, and pro- averias padecidas en la mar,i las tests of any individuals of their na- protestas que cualesquiéra. indivition respecting mercantile affairs. duos do su nacion tengan a bien