Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 10.djvu/950

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906 CONSULAR CONVENTION WITH NEW GRANADA. MAY 4, 1850. concerns the exercise of their func- sea exclusivamente relative al ejertions, shall be independent of the cicie de sus funciones seran inde- State in whose territory they re- pendiéntes del estado en cuyo terriside. torio residan. 3. The consuls and their chancel· 3. Los Consoles, sus Cancilleres lors or secretaries shall be exempt 6 Secretarios estaran exentes de tofrom all public service and from do servicio publieo de contribueioncs contributions, personal and extraor- personales i de las extraordinarias dinary, imposed in the country que se imp6ngan en el pais de su where they reside. This exemp- residencia. Esta. exencién no comtion does not comprehend the con- prende a los Consules i sus Cancilsuls or their chancellors or secreta- léres 6 Secretaries que sean naciories who may be natives of the nales del pais en que residan. country in which they reside. 4. Whenever·the presence of con- 4. Siempre que sea necesaria la suls may be required in courts or asisténcia de los C6nsules en los trioffices of justice; they shall be sum- bunales 6 juzgados, se lcs citara por moned in writing. escrito. 5. In order that the dwellings of 5. A tin de que las habitaciones consuls may be easily and gene- de los Consules sean facil i jeneralrally known, for the convenience of mente conocidas para la convenienthose who may have to resort to cia de los que téngan que ocurrir zi. them, they shall be allowed to hoist ellos, les sera. permitido enarbolar on them the flag, and to place over en ellas la. bandéra i poner sobre their doors the coat of arms, of the sus puertas el escudo de armas de nation in whose service the consul la Nacion at que sirve el Consul, may be, with an inscription expres- con una inscripeién que csprese el sing the functions discharged by empleo que ejerce; pero estas inhim ; but those insignia shall not be signias no suponen derecho de asilo, considered as importing a right of ni sustraen la casa 6 sus habitantes asylum, nor as placing the house or 6. las perquisas que los Magistrados its inhabitants beyond the authority del pais podran hacér en ellas lo of the magistrates whomay think pro- mismo que en las casas de los demas per to search them, and who shall habitantes en les cases cieterminados have that right in regard to them in por las leyes. the same manner as with regard to the houses of the other inhabitants, in the cases prescribed by the laws. Anrrcrn VI. Anrmur.0 VI. The persons and dwellings of con- Las personas i casas de los C6n- mg:) mv;?;,}:;; suls shall be subject to the laws and sules estaran sometidas a las leyesi coumy authorities of the country in all Autoridades del pais,en todo aquello cases in which they have not re- que no se les haya concedido una ceived a special exemption by this exprésa exencion por esta convenconveution, and in the same manner ci6n, i de la misma manera que le as the other inhabitants. ésten los demas habitantcs. Amvxcrn VII. Arvrrouro VII. Consuls shall not give passports Los Cdnsules no daran pasapérte _Forbi<l<!¤¤ *9 to any individual of their nation or a ninguno individuo de su nacion 6 ggmgusgzgém going to their nation who may be que so dirija a ella, que tenga que held to answer before any authority, responder ante alguna de las Autocourt, or judge of the country for ridades, Juzgados 6 Tribunalcs del delinquencies committed by them, pais, por delito 6 falta que hubiére or for a demand which may have cemetidoo por demanda quehubiése