Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 10.djvu/975

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TREATY "WITH PERU. JULY 26, 1851. Q3] more understood between the two 6 eompania. Convienen ademas high contracting parties, that the las altas partes oontratantes en que steamwessels of either shall not be los vapores de cualquiera de ellas subject in the ports of the other no estaran obligados a pagar en los party to any duties of tonnage, har- puertos de la otra ninguna clase de bor, or other similar duties what- derechos de tonelajc, puerto ni otros soever, than those that are or may semejantes que los que pagan 6 be paid by any other association pagaren los de cualquiera otral soor company. ciedad 6 compaiia. Anrxcmc XI. Anrrcoro XI. For the better understanding of Para la mejor intelligencia de los What shall be the preceding articles, and taking articulos precedentes y teniendo en °°“?i‘1°"°d “P°‘ into consideration the actual state consideracion el estado actual de la mmm mm' of the commercial marine of Peru, marina mercante del Peru se ha it is stipulated and agreed that cstipulado y oonvenido que todo every vessel belonging exclusively buqueperteneeiente exclusivamentc to a citizen or citizens of the said a ciudadano 6 ciudadanos de dicha republic, and of which the captain republica, y cuyo capitan sea tamis also a citizen of the same, though bien cuidadano de ella, aunque la the construction or the crew is or construccionytripulacion delbuque may be foreign, shall be considered, sean extranjeras, sera considerado for all the objects of this treaty, as para todos los efeetos de este trata.- a Peruvian vessel. do, como buque Peruano. Arvrrern XII. Aurrcuno XII. The whale-ships of the United Losbuques balleneros de los Es- Privilegeaor States shall have access to the port tados Unidos podran entrar en el ¥,";‘£$;;§‘P’;r;‘ of Tumbez, as well as to the ports puerto de Tumbez, y en los puertos P ` of entry in Peru, and may sail from mayores del Peru, y pasar dc uno one port to another for the purposes a. otro, con el objeto de tomar viveof refreshment and rehtting, and res yrepararse,yles sera permitido they shall be permitted to sell or vender 6 eambiar sus provisiones 6 barter their supplies or goods, in- mercaderias, inclusive el aceite, cluding oil, to the amount of two hasta la cantidad de doscientos pehundred dollars, ad valorem, for sos ad valorem por cada buque, sin each vessel, without paying any que estén obligados 6. pagar los detonnage or harbor dues, or any du- rcchos de toneladas, 6 de puerto, ni ties or imposts upon the articles so derecho alguno 6 impuesto por los sold or bartcred. They shall be articulos vendidos 6 cambiados de also permitted, with like exemption esta manera. Se les permitira from tonnage and harbor dues, fur- ademas con la misma exencion de ther to sell or barter their supplies los derechos de toneladas y puerto, or goods, including oil, to the ad- vender 6 cambiar sus provisiones 6 ditional amount of one thousand mercaderias, incluso el aceite, hasta dollars, ad valorem, for each vessel, la suma adicional de mil pesos ad upon paying for the said additional valarem por cada buque, pagando articles the same duties as are pay- por la parte adicional de dichos arable upon like supplics, or goods ticulos los mismos derechos que se and oil, when imported in the ves- satisfacen por iguzdes provisiones 6 sels and by the citizens or subjects mercaderias y aceite quando se imof the most favored nation. portan en buques y por eiudadanos 6 subditos de la naoion mas favorecida.