Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 10.djvu/983

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TREATY WITII PERU. JULY 26, 1851. 939 proper. Nor shall any vessel of E gun buque de una u otra parte que either party that may have entered Q hubiere entrado en un puerto 6 luinto such port or place before the l gar antes de que el mismo fuese same was actually besieged, block- sitiado, bloqueadc, 6 atacado por la aded, or invested by the other, be otra, sc le impedira que salga con restrained from leaving it with her l su cargamento ; ni si se encontrase cargo, nor, if found therein before { alli éntes 6 despues de la. reduccion or after the reduction and surrender, y entrega estara sujeto el tal buque shall such vessel or her cargo belo su cargamento a apresamiento, liable tc' seizure, confiscation, or i ccnfiscacion o demanda alguna por any demand on the score of redemp- I causa de redencion o restitucion, tion or restitution ; but the owners * sino que se dejara zi sus duefios en thereof shall remain in the undis- tranquila posesion de su propiedad. turbcd possession of their property. Y si algun buque que hubiere en- And if any vessel having thus trado en el puerto antes de tener entered the port before the block- lugar el bloqueo, tomase carga ade took place shall take on board a, bordo despues de establecido el a cargo after the blockade be esta- bloqueo, é intentase salir, se le poblished, and attempt to depart, she dra intimar por las fuerzas bloqueniay be warned by the blockading adoras que vuelva el puerto bloforces to return to the blockadcd queado ydescargue su cargamento; port, and discharge the said cargo; y si despues de recibir la dicha inand if} after receiving such warn- timacion insistiere el buque en salir ing, the vessel shall persist in going con el cargamento, estara sujeto a out with the cargo, she shall be lia- las mismas consecuencias at que lo ble to the same consequences as in estaria una embarcacion que intenthe case of a vessel attempting to tase entrar en un puerto bloqueado, enter a blockaded port after having dcspucs de ser intiinada por las fubeen warned off by the blockading erzas bloqueadoras. forces. ARTICLE XXVII. Anrrcnro XXVII. To prevent disorder and irregu- Para impedir todo genéro de de- _Right ofvisita— larity in visiting and examining the sorden é irregularidad en la visita ;°':d£;°g S°”·"°h vessels and cargoes of both the y examen de los buques y carga- g ` contracting parties on the high seas, mentos de las dos partes contrathey have agreed, mutually, that tantes en alta mar, han conveniclo whenever a vessel of war, public or mutuamente, que cuando un buque private, shall meet with a neutral de guerra, publico 6 particular enof the other party, the former shall contrare at un neutral de la 0tra remain at the greatest distance parte contratante, el primero percompatible with the possibility and manencera a la mayor distancia que safety of making the visit, under sea compatible con la posibilidad y the circumstances of wind and sea la seguridad do hacer la visita, atenand the degree of suspicion attend- didas las circunstancias del viento ing the vessel to be visited, and y de la mar, ycl grado de sospecha shall send one ofher small boats with que inspire el bajel que ha de ser no more men than may be necessa- visitado, y enviara uno de sus botes ry to execute the said examination pequenos sin mas jente que la neof the papers concerning the own- cessaria para tripularlo, con el obership and cargo of the vessel, jeto de ejecutar el predicho examen without causing the least extortion, de los papeles relativos :5. la. propiviolence, or ill-treatment, in respect edad y cargamento del buque, sin of which the commanders of said causarla menor extorciomviolencia, armed vessels shall be responsible 6 maltratarniento; respecto é l0 with their persons and property; cual los comandantes de los susodifor which purpose the commanders chos buques armados seran, responof said private armed vessels shall, sables con sus personas y proprie-