Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 108 Part 6.djvu/773

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PROCLAMATION 6641—DEC. 15, 1993 108 STAT. 5341 Annex II (con.) -41- Section (A), (con.) 75. (con.): [Parts witibl* for UM solely or...:] ((con.)] tOOm-.i [(con.)] Parts of talavlsion rseatwsrs spsciffad in additional U.S. nota 10 to tiiis chaptar, other than prlntad eireutt aasaibltaa (con.): StiiaitaiifcUaa, for color talavlslcn raceivars, containing two or Bora printad circuit boards or caraaric siiatratas with eoaponants asaart>lad tharaon, axcapt tuiara or conMvrganca" aiiadiliaa! a529.M.3S Entarad uith uJUJMinita anaaratad in additional U.S. nata 4 to this chaptar SZ Free (B.E.IL.J.NO 35X 2X(U) 8529.90.36 Other 3.7X Free (I.E.IL.J.NO 35X 1.4X (CA) 8529.90.39 Other 3.7X Free (B.E.IL.J.MO 35X 1.4X (CA) Coabinations of parts apacifiad in additional U.S. nota 10 to thia chaptar: Tiiianadilies, for color talaviaion racaivers, containing two or aora printad circuit boards or carasic atJMtratas xith uiwiiiiits aaiM*itad tharaon, excapt tuiers or carwargmca asaaab li cs: 8529.90.43 Entarad with eoaponants anuieratad in additional U.S. nota 4 to thia chaptar 5X Free (I.E.IL.J.NX) 35X 2X («) 8529.90.46 Other 3.7X Free (B.E.IL.J.NX) 35X 1. 4X (CA) 8529.90.49 Other 3.7X Free (B,E,IL,J,N() 3SX 1. 4X (CA) 8529.90.53 Flat panal acraan aaaaabliaa for the Hparatus of siliiaadinga 8528.10.64 and 8528..10.68 3. 7X Free (I.E.IL,J,m) 35X 1.« (CA) Other. parts of printad circuit amaliliaa, incl udi ng fac a pl at as and lock latchaa: Of talaviaion apparatua: 8529.90.63 For talaviaion eaaaraa 4. 2X Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35X M() 8529.90.69 Other 3. 7X Free (B,E,IL,J,N() 35X 1.4X (CA) 8529.90.73 Of radar, radio navigational aid or radio raaota control apparatus 4. 9X Free (A,CA,E,IL,J, 35X m) 8529.90.76 Other 5.9X Free (A.B.CA.E.IL, 35X J.N()