Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 109 Part 2.djvu/1004

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109 STAT. 1976 PROCLAMATION 6857—DEC. 11, 1995 Annex II (con.) - 76- 242. Heading 7907 is radaaignatcd aa 7907.00. and sta>headinsa 7907.10.00 through 7907.90.60 ara av^araadad by the following: COthM-...:] •7M7.og.u ArtielM »f a typ* uMd for heuMhotd. tiki* or kttekan UM; teflct aid Mnltary wrM: •II tiM fonaolni aid parts tiMraef of zinc... Frm (A.E.IL.J, MS W) O.a (M) 7907.00.M Other..... 4.6S Free (A.I.E.IL, 4S»> J,N X) I.IX (Ok) 243. Heading 800 5 l a radaalgnatad aa 800S.00, and subhea dings 800 5.1 0.00 an d 8005.20.00 a ra radaslgnatad aa 8005.00.1 0 and 80 05.00.20, rea pact lvely. 244. Siibheading 8202.32.00 Is radaalgnatad aa 8202.39.00, and Its article daacrlptl on la modi fied to read aa f oll ow s: •Otkar, ineludim part* 245(a). Subheadlnga 8207.11.00. 8207.12, 8207.12.30. and 8207.12.60 ara redesignated aa 8207.13.00. 8207.19, 8207.19.30, and 8207.19.60, respectively. (b). The article description of subheading 8207.13.00 (m» redealgnated) la •odlfled to read aa followa: Wth Horklns part of caraata" (c). The article description of subheading 8207.19 Is modified to read aa followa: •Odwr, <nclud<ns part*:' 246. The article deacrlption of heading 8209 Is modified by deleting "alntered m etal car bides or *. 2 47(a). The arti cle deaerlptiona of aubha adings 821 1.91 an d 82 11.92 ar e ea ch modified by deleting dte expression ', and parts thereof*. (b). The arti cle description of sub heading 8 211. 91.60 is mod ifi ed by delet ing t he exp ression '(I ncluding parts) "; such subheading I s re dealg nate d aa 8211.91.80; and subheading 8211.92.80 is redesignated aa 8211.92.90. (c). The arti cle description o f subheading 8211.93.00 is m odified by deleting the ai^ression *, and parts thereof (except bladaa)*.