Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 109 Part 2.djvu/1016

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109 STAT. 1988 PROCLAMATION 6857—DEC. 11, 1995 Annex II (con.) -88- 282(a). Ib« artlda description of hMdins 8504 1> aodlfled Co read aa follows: •Elaetricat trmforatrs, static ccrwrt«r« (for taamplm, rwtlflart) aid Indueten; power M«^ll«s for •utaaatlc dit* preeantn* wrndkirm or inlts thcraof of headinf M71; parta tharaef:" (b). Tha artlda daacrlption of subheading 8504.40 Is aodlfled to read aa followa: •static camartara; pawar atn>'1aa for auteaatie data pracaaalna aadifnaa or unita tharaef ofkaading 8*71:" (c). Stibheading 8504.40.80 Is deleted and the following new subheadings are ad ded In nunerieal aeq uence: [Elactrtcat...:] [Static...)] •ramr atvpllaa far autoastle data pfocaaatng eachtnaa or wilta tiwraef of kaadint 8471: a5M.40.M Siritabta for phyaieal Incorporation Into autoeatic data preeaaaln* aadiinaa ar unita of hasd1i« 8471 Frsa m tSOiAO.n Otkar rrae (il.C«,f, SSI 8504. 40.M Other 2.t t Free (A.I.C.M, 3SV C.IL.J.*M> (d). Subheadings 8504.90.60 and 8504.90.90 ara superseded by the following: Bkactrlcal...:] tP art ail •Of poMar aifipllaa for auteaatie data pracaaalna eactilnaa «r uilta tharaef of headlna 8471) 8S04.90.20 Printed circuit asaa*l1aa Free m 8504.90.40 Other Free 3U OtiMr: 8504.90.70 Printad circuit aaa«<>liaa 2.9X Free (A.S.U.E, 35X IL.J.m) 8504.90.95 OtHar 2.9X Free (A,8,CA,E, 35>' 283. Heading 8506 (it>cluding Ita subordinate provisions) ia superseded by the following: •8506 Priaary calla and prieary taattariaa; parta aS06.10.00 Mi«msa dloxlda 4.3S Free (A,E,IM, 3SX NX) IX (U] 8S06.S0 Narcurie OKlda: 8506,30.10 lavins an axtamal veluaa net «caad1i« 300 ca' 4.3X Free (A.M.E, 55X IL.J.NC) 8606.30.50 Otkar 4. X( Free <il,I,ILW. 3SX NX) IX (CA)