Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 109 Part 2.djvu/1018

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109 STAT. 1990 PROCLAMATION 6857—DEC. 11, 1995 Annex XI (con.) -9 0- 28«. (eon.) (b). S«>bh««dinc 8517.10.00 ta avvanadad by tfa* following: lft* •TatiplMn* Mts; v<iHn<ian»i asi7.t1.00 Lin* t*l«fliom att* irith cwdtta* hmdMtt 3.a Fra* (*,l,e,ell,E, sn ii.j,m > 017.19 othw: Bir.19.M VldMrktma (.5% Free W*,l,n,l, BS ll,J.m> Kir.W.M etiMr «.« Free (A*,I.CIt.t, KX* IL, i,N O ConfoxBlnc ehanga: Caaaral nota 4(d) la aodlflad by dalating '8517.10.00 Thailand* andby Inaartlng In llau diaraof •8517.19.40 Thailand* and *B517.19.80 Tha ila nd*. (e). Subheading 8517.20.00 la avparaadad by the following: BlaetrlMl...!)

  • rae«lal U aiAlnw aid Mltprlnun:

(517.21.M FMSMU aMtilra*

  • .Jt

frm (**,n,E, 3n IL,J,«) «17.2Z.n Tal i ^fnur a «. 7X ft— U.Ok.i, Sm^ IL,J.NO Confoxaing ehaaga: Canaral nota 4(d) la aodlflad by dalating '8517.82.40 Thailand* andby inaarting In warleal aaquanea '8517.21.00 Thailand*. (d). Subheadinga 8517.40, 8517.40.10, and 8517.40.50 ara radaalgnatad aa 8517.50, 8517.50.10, and 8517.50.50, raapMstlvaly; the axticla daaerlption of aubbaading 8517.50 (aa radaalgnatad) la aodlflad by dalating the azpraaaion 'ayataaa:* and inaarting the axpraaalon *ayataai or for digital llna ayataaa:* in llau tlMraof. (a). Svtibmaaiog 8517.40.70 la dalatad and the folloMlng naw provialona ara inaartad In nuaarical aa<iuanca in liau tfaaraof: Bt« IMIwr...tI IMw ril •Tataanfklei V17.9a.M F«r laiilw tMriwt lint cyn aM. 3.71 Free U,n.l,lL, SSS J.IK> OHMT «.7S Free (A,CA,t,a, in* (f). Subheadinga 8517.81.00 (and tba auparior taxt tbarato raading *Otfaar apparatua:*), 8517.82, 8517.82.40 and 8517.82.80 ara dalatad and tba following naw proviaiona ara inaartad in liau thoraof: Bl«Btrlcat...i] ••S17.M etkar miinlun M17.t0.10 Ta tit UHnU •.« Free (, BX ll,J.MI> aB 17.M.» T atam vkl «. 7X fra* (*,Dk,l, SS»> IL,i,m