Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 109 Part 2.djvu/145

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PROCLAMATION 6763—DEC. 23, 1994 109 STAT, 1117 Annex (con.) -68- Sectio n A. (co ntinued) (29)(a). Subheading 1517.90.4 0 is super seded by: [Margarine; edible mixtures or...:] [Other:] "Other: D airy prod ucts desc ribed in additional U.S. note 1 to chapter 4: 1 517.90. 45 Descr ibed i n general note 15 of the tariff schedule and entered pursuant to its provisions... lit/kg Free ( E,I L,J, MX) 11 t/k9 3.3«/ kg ( CA) 15 17.9 0.5 0 De scri bed i n addi tional U.S. note 10 to chapter 4 and entered pursuant to i t s provisions He/kg Free ( E,I L,J) 11(/kg 3.3«/ kg (C A) 1517.90.60 Other [See section See 9906.15.01- 40.2c/kg D to this 9906.15.03 (MX) Annex] 1517.90.90 Other [See section Free (E.IL.J) 11«/kg» D to this 3.3«/kg (CA) Annex] 8.8«/kg (MX) (b). Conforming change: The superior text preceding subheading 9906.15.01 which reads "Provided for in subheading 1517.90.40:", the superior text immediately preceding subheading 9906.15.01, subheading 9906.15.01 and the superior text immediately following such subheading, and subheadings 9906.15.02 through 9906.15.04, inclusive, and any superior text to such subheadings, are all deleted, and the following provisions are inserted In numerical sequence in lieu thereof: [Goods of Mexico,...:] [Margarin e; ed ible mi xture s...: ] "Provided for in subheading 15 17.90.60: 990 6.15.01 Subject to the qua ntita tive limits specified in U.S. note 7 to this subchapter... Free (MX) Other: 990 6.15.02 Valued not over;>2</kg 16.5«/ kg (MX) 9906.15. 03 Other 75X (MX)"