Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 109 Part 2.djvu/793

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PROCLAMATION 6780—MAR. 23, 1995 109 STAT. 1765 Ann*x (con.) -a- S«ction A. (continued) (1). (c on.): («). In subdivision (t) (eon.): (v) for chapter 21 (con.): (2) tariff classification rule 10, deleting •2106.90.46* and Inserting "2106.90.48" In lieu thereof; (3) tariff classification rule 12, deleting "1901.90.42 or 1901.90.44" and Inserting "1901.90.32. 1901.90.33, 1901.90.34, 1901.90.36. 1901.90.38, 1901.90.42 or 1901.90.43" In lieu thereof; (vl) for chapter 22: (1) tariff classification rule 3, deleting "2106.90.46" and Inserting "2106.90.48" In lieu theireof; (2) tariff classification rule 5. deleting "2202.90.24" and Inserting "2202.90.22, 2202.90.24" In lieu thereof and deleting 1901.90.42 or 1901.90.44" and Inserting "1901.90.32, 1901.90.33, 1901.90.34. 1901.90.36. 1901.90.38, 1901.90.42 ox 1901.90.43" In lieu thereof; (vll) for chapter 23 tariff classification rule 3, deleting "2309.90.24" and Inserting "2309.90.22, 2309.90.24" In lieu thereof and deleting "1901.90.42 or 1901.90.44" and Inserting " 1901.90.32, 1901.90.33. 1901.90.34. 1901.90.36, 1901.90.38, 1901.90.42 or 1901.90.43" In lieu thereof; (vlil) for chapter 90 tariff classification rule 21. deleting "Iteii 9009.90.40" and Inserting "Iteu 9009.90.10 and 9009.90.30" In lieu thereof. (2). General note 13 Is aodlfled hj deleting "any product (by Whatever nane known) classifiable In such provision (and not dutiable under coluwi 2) shall be entered free of duty," and Inserting "atqr product (by idiatever naae known) olaaslflable In such provision which is the product of a country eligible for tariff treatment under colum. 1 shall be entered free of duty," In lieu thereof. (3). General note 14 la modified by deleting "any product classifiable In such provision (and not dutiable under coluan 2) shall be entered free of duty," and Inserting "any product classifiable In such provision which la the product of a country eligible for tariff treataent under coluan 1 shall be entered free of duty," In lieu thereof. (4). Additional U.S. note 1 to chapter 4 la aodlfled by deleting such note and Inserting the following note in lieu thereof: "1. rer the purpoMt of thit MIWAIU. the tmi "dilrv Bratitu 6,^n»i \n •dJItt.n.t U.». not. 1 to fJmlfT ** wamm (fv of t<w foltoNlnf loedii eattod eltk. and irtlcloa of altk or croMi (oxeopt (o) i*lt« dwceUto and (b> Inodtbto driorf ellk powdtre eortifl«d to bo UMd for ealfbroting Infrarod eltk •MlyMTO); articlo* contalntni ovar S.S paraant by might «f buttarfat Mhlch ara auitAta for uaa ea Intradlanta In the aaeearclal praduetian of adibta artlalas Cmeapt artlclaa Mithin the saapa af ather laport quota prevldad far In addltlanal U.S. notas Z and S to ehaptar 16); ar driad ellk, Mhay or buttoreltk (of tho type provided for In auhheadlnsa 0402.10, ewn.21, OMa.W ar 0«04.10) ahich conuln* not avar S.S porcant by wight af huttarfat and akleh la elmd Hlth ethar Insradlanta, Inetudlnt but not lleitad te augar, If auch elxturas contain awar W pareant ellk aalldi by iwtibt. ara capaMa of baing furthar procaaaad ar elxad altli aMIar ar other Ingradlanta and ara not priparad for aarkoting to the ultlaato canatMr In the Idantlcal ferw end packagi In idilch l^portad." (5). Addltloiwl U.S. note 20 to chapter 4 Is nodlfled by deleting the quota amount of "235.500" for Argentina and iiuertlng "235,000" in lieu thereof.