Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 109 Part 2.djvu/81

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PROCLAMATION 6763—DEC. 23, 1994 109 STAT. 1053 Anne x (con.) -4- Section A. (continued) (8). (con.): (e). in subdivision (r)(v)(A) deleting "1901.10.10, 1901.20.10, 1901.90.31, 1901.90.41 o r 1901.90.81 " and inserting "190 1.10.05, 1901.10.1 5, 1901. 10.30, 1 901.10.35, 1901. 10.40, 190 1.10.4 5, 190 1.20.02, 1901. 20.05, 1 901.20.15, 1901. 20.20, 190 1.20. 25. 1 901.2 0.30, 1901.20.35. 1901.20.40, 1901.90.42 or 1901.90.44" in lieu thereof, del eting "2106.90.05, 210 6.90.1 3, 2 106.90.16, 210 6.90. 17, 21 06.90.18, 2106.90. 41, 210 6.90.51. 2 106.90.61" and inserting "21 06.90.03, 2106.90.06, 2 106.90.09, 2106.90.22, 2106.90.2 4. 210 6.90.2 6. 2106.90.28. 210 6.90.48, 2 106.90.52, 2 106.90.5 4, 21 06.90.62, 2106.90.6 4, 2106.90.66, 2 106.90.68, 2106.90.72, 2 106.90.7 4, 21 06.90.76, 2106.90. 78, 210 6.90.80, 2 106.90.82" i n lieu thereo f, and deleting "2202.90.20" and inserting "2202.90.22. 2202.90.24. 22 02.90.28" in lieu thereof and deleting "2309.90.31" an d inserting "230 9.90.2 2. 23 09.90. 24, 2309.90.28" i n l i e u thereof. (f). in subdivision (s)(i)(C) deleting "1806.10.42 or 2106.90.12" and inserting " 1806.10.43, 1806.1 0.45, 1806.10.55, 18 06.1 0.65, 1806.10.75 or 2106.90.46" i n lieu there of. (g). in subdivision (t): (i) for chapter 4 's tariff c lassificati on ru le, d eletin g "1901.90.3 1. 1901.90.41 or 1901.9 0.81" an d inserting "1901.90.42 o r 19 01.9 0.44 " in lieu thereo f; (11) for chapter 1 8 tariff cl assificatio n r u l e 2. delet ing "1806.10.41 or 180 6.10.42" and inserting "18 06.10.45. 1806.1 0.55. 180 6.10.65 or 1806.10.75" in lieu thereof; (Hi) for chapter 19: (A) tariff classification rule 1. deleting "item 1901.10.10" and inserting "items 1 901.10.15. 1901.10.30. 190 1.10.35. 1901.10.40 o r 1901.10.45" in l i e u thereof; (B) tariff classification rule 3. deleting "item 1901.20.10" and inserting " items 1 901.20.05. 190 1.20.15. 1 901.20.20. 1901.20.25. 1901.20.30. 1901.20.35 or 1901.20.40" in lieu ther eof; (C) tariff classif ication r ul e 5, deleting "1 901.9 0.31, 1901.90.41 or 19 01.90.81" and inserting "1 901.90.42 or 1901.90.44" in lieu thereof; (iv) for chapter 20 tariff classification rule 2, deleting "item 2008.11.20" and inserting "items 2008.11.25 or 2008.11.35" in lieu th ereof; (v) for chapter 21: (A) t ariff c lassificat ion rules 9 and 1 2, deleti ng " 1901. 90.3 1, 1901.90.41 or 1901.90.8 1" and inserting " 190 1.90.42 or 1901. 90.4 4" in li eu t hereof; (B) t ariff c lassificat ion r u l e 10, deleting "210 6.90.16 or 21 06.90.17" and inserting "2106.90.46 or 210 6.90.52 " i n lieu ther eof;