Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 109 Part 2.djvu/902

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109 STAT. 1874 PROCLAMATION 6857—DEC. 11, 1995 ANNBX I (con.) -7- 9. TCR 1 for chapter 29 Is daletad and the following new TCRs are inaertad In llev» thereof (continued): 19. <A) A dMi«« to «MiM4fi« 2912.12 fraa any othw oMwudlna. wecpt frca wMiMding 2901.21; 'or (t) A dMno* to «iMMd(ita 2912.12 fna tiMwdlna 2901.21, liicther or not thtr* U alto « chwie* fna «V othor tUihwdlno, provldMl thoro I* a ngtentt valu* eantvit of not loot than: (1) 60 parcant Nhara ttn tranaaction valua aathod Is uaad. or (2) SO parcant Mhara tho nat coat aethad la uaad. 20. A clMf«a to aii*oad1>«a 2S12.13 through 2912.S0 free any other aiiitnadlna. Including anoUiar •abheading within that irot^. 21. (A) A ch<i«a to aubheadlne 2912.60 froi any othM- aaiAoadln*. except from aiMaadIno 2912.11; or (I) A change to etUieedlna 2912.60 free eiMMadli« 2912.11, Mhether or not there la atao a cha>«a fraa any other auUiaadlf«, prevldad there Is e regional value content of not las* than: (1) 60 percent vhero the treneectlen value aathod le uaad, or <2) SOpercent where the nat coat eathad la uaed. 22. (A> A change to heeding 2913 free eny other heading, except free heeding 2912; or («) A change to heading 2913 fraa heading 2912, whether or not there la alao e ehenge free eny other heeding, provided there la a reglonet velue content of net teas than; (1) 60 percent where the tranaaction value laetlwd le uaed, or <2) SOpercent where the net coat aathod la uaed. a. A change to siiAeedlngs 29U.11 through 2914.70 free any other eiAhe«ilng, Including another luMieeding within thet groi4>. 24. A change to aiiJieeding 291S.11 free any other eiMoeding. 25. (A) A chei«e to eUiheeding 291S.12 free eny ether euhheeding, except fnaa ciMiaeding 291S.11; or (•) A change to eiMeeding 291S.12 free e(Mieed{i« 291S.11, whether or not there le eleo a ehenge free eny other niJieeding, provided there la a regional value content of not lees th en: (1) 60 percent ilMre the transaction value aathod la usal, or (2) SOpercent i#iere the net coot aathod Is used. 26. A change to eiMeading 291S.13 free eny other euliheedli«. 27. (A) A change to eiMeading 291S.21 free eny other auUieeding, except free eutaheading 2912.12; or (•> A change to siMieading 291S.21 free eubheedli« 2912.12, whether or not there la alao a change free any other eiMieading, provided there la a raglenel value content of not less th«i: (1) 60percent where the trenaaction valua aathod la uaed,or (2) SOpercent where the net cost eethod Is uaad.