Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 109 Part 2.djvu/970

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109 STAT. 1942 PROCLAMATION 6857—DEC. 11, 1995 Annex II (con.) - 42- 153. Subh««dinga 4S07.91.00 (and th* superior t«xt tfa«r«to reading 'Odiar:') and 4807.99 through 4807.99.40 are atiperseded by thm fellotrlng: •*48a7.M OtkM-: 4807.90.10 ttrai pipw aid pipwtoard, lAMlMr ar not oowM Hitn ptftt otMr thm •traM pipar 2.S Frae SK IL,> OMMTI 4aor. tO.20 Clotk-Unad or ralnfaretd pfmr 1.9S Free (A.CA.I, ZZ.SS IL,J.N(> 4807.9 0.M OdM r rrM SOV 154. The article deacrlption of beading 4808 la modified to read a« fellowa: •ripM- aid immhif il, carruiatid (irith ar iritlMMt ituid flat wrfaea riMets), crtpid, cr<r*l«d, •tnmd ar parfaratad, <n rolla or ahaata, atiiar ttan papar at the Mnd daaerlbad In kaadlno 48IBi' 15.5. The article daacrlption of heading 4809 is aodifled to read aa follows: •Carban papar. aalf-capy papar and attwr caprint ar tranafar papara <lnelud1ns eaatad ar fiyrasnatad papar far A^laatar ataneila ar affaat plataa), ahattiar ar mt printad. In rolla ar akaatai" 156. The article description of heading 4811 is Modified to read as follows: •P^^ar, paparfeaard, caUulaaa aadMni and aata of oallutaaa fibara. eaatad. lapragnatad. c«nrad. aurfaeo-colorod, aurfaea-dHaratad ar printad. In ralla ar aeaata. athar than soadi of tfea kind diaerlbad In headint 4SIB, 4a0P ar OMt" 157. The article deacription of *""<1g 4818 is Modified to read as follows: •Tollat papar and aWlar papar. eallulaaa aaddini or Maka of eallulaaa fibara. of a kind uaad far hauaahold or aanltary purpaaaa. In ralla af a iildlk net aseaadint 36 cai, or cut to alio ar ahapa; iMndkarchiafa. cloanalnp tiaauaa. taaala, taMaelatlia. taMa nipklM. dtapara. taapana. bad ahoou and alBllar hauaahold, aanltary ar baapltal artlclaa. artlclaa of apparal and clothlno aecaaaorlaa, of papar pulp, papar, eallulaaa uaddlni ar uaha of eollulooa fibara:* 158(a). Subheading 4823.30.00 is deleted. (b). The following new subheading 4823.90.30 Is Inserted in nuMerleal order: tOthar...:} ntha r: ] BWiarO --.^ • «- .,, -.•-,•-, "M B.M.M tarda, nat pwichad, for putonccra McliifwSf wwtlMr or not In atrtpa 3.1X froo CA.a.f. SOV IL,J.i n) 159(a). Subdivision (e) of note 1 to section XI Is superseded by the following: •(a) Artlclaa af kaading S0« ar 3Q0( (far anepla. saddlna. pawa. bandasaa and aMlar artlelaa far eadleal, aurtleal, dantal ar vatarlnary purpaaaa, atarlta aurplcal auturo artarlala); yant uaad ta clean batuain the taath. In Individual ratall pirk^ia (dnul ftaaa), of headlnp 3nt;« (b). Subdivision <s) of note 1 to seccion XI is Modified by deleting the word •o r".