Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/180

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160 THIRTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. SHSFL HL Ch. 38, 45. 1357 rates provided in the third section of the act of ·eIeventh August, eighteen hundred and fiFty-six, entitled “An act to provxde for carrying into eH`e<:t 1856, ch. 87. the mst article of the treaty between the UnitedStates and hor Aiqjmy the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, of the Am’ p‘ n' fifteenth dey of June, eighteen hundred and forty-six." Consuis- eners.1, For salaries of consuls-general at Quebec, Caicutta,Alexei1dria, Simoda, <=<>¤S¤‘Sr {gc- Havana, Constantinople, Frankfort-on-the-Z\Tain; consuls at Livgrpmg, London, Melbourne, H0ng—Kong, Glmgow, Mauritius, Singapore, Belfast, Cork, Dundee, Demarara, Halifax, Kingston, (Jamaica.) Leeds, Maw chester, Nassau, (New Providence,) Southampton, Turk’s Island, Prince Edwards Island, Havre, Paris, Liarseilles, Bordeaux, La Rochelle, Lyons, Moscow, Odessa, Revel, Saint Petersburgh, Matanzas, Trinidad de (Lum, Santiago de Cuba, San Juan, (Porto Rico,) Cadiz, Malaga, Ponce. (Porto Rico,) Trieste, Vienna, Aix-la-Chapelle, Canton, Shanghai, Fouchou, Amoy, Ningpo, Beyrout, Smyrna, Jerusalem, Rotterdam. Amsterdam. Antwerp, Funchal, Oporto, St. '1Thomas,'Elsmeur, Genoa, Basle, Geneva, Messina, Naples, Palermo, Leips1c, Munich, Leghorn, Stuttgnrdt, Bremen, Hamburg, Tangiers, Tripoli, Tunis, Rio de Janeiro, Pernembuco, Vern Cruz, Acapulco, Callao, Valparaiso, Buenos Ayres, San Juan del Sur, Aspinwall, Panama, Laguayra, Honolulu, Lahaina, Capetown, Falkland Islands, Venice, Stettin, Cendia, Cyprus, Batavia, Faye.}, Santiago, (Cape de Verdes,) Saint Croix, Spezzia, Athens, Zanzibar, Bahia, Muranham Island, Para, Rio Grande, Matamoras, Mexico, (city,) Tempico, hasn del Norte, Tabasco, Penta, Tumbez, Talcahueno, Carthagena., Sabamlio, Omoa, Guayaquil, Cobija, Montevideo, Tahiti, Bay of Islands, Apis, Lanthala; commercial agents at San Juan del Norte, Port-au·Prince, Sun Domingo, (city,) St. Paul de Loanda, (Angola.) Monrovia, Guboon, Cape Huytien, Aux Cayes, and Amoor River, two hundred and seventy-three thousand, seven hundred and fifty dollars. Interpreters in d por interpreters to the consulates in China, tour thousand five hundred China- oi ers. Loss by ex- For estimated loss by exchange on drafts of consuls, and interpreters, change- for salary, forty-Eve thousand dollars. Archives. For the preservation of the archives of the several consulates of the United States and the commercial agencies, eleven thousand nine hundred dollars. Omgé Wm_ For office rent for those consuls-genera], eonsuls, and commercial agents, who are not allowed to trade, not to exceed ten per centum on the amount of their compensation, as fixed by the act of eighteenth August. eighteen hundred and tifiy-six, twenty-three thousand five hundred dollars. A,,;(,p1g5{;,Cy,_ Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the seventh section of "Au

gogélaeirpccé- act to regulate the Diplomatic and Consular Systems of the United

pig wpéMéd_pStates,” approved eighteenth August, eighteen hundred and fifty-siX be Ante, p_ 55_ and the same is hereby repealed. Arimoven, February 7, 1857. Feb. 16, 1857. CHAP. XLV.—-An Ac! rnakfng rdpgxzmprfatimns the Support of the Mfiletry Academy for the Dar ending the thzrtzet/1 of June, ezg/ztecn hzmdred mid];/?y+22g}2t. Be it enacted (gy the Senate and House of Represevztcttives of the Unitrd States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be and the same are hereby appropriated, out of any money in the treasury Appropriation. not otherwise appropriated for the support of the Military Academy. for the year ending the thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and fifty-eight. For pay of odieers, instructors, cadets, and musicians, ninety-one thousand one hundred and six dollars. For commutation of subsistence, two thousand and forty-four dollars. For forage for officers horses, eight hundred and sixty-four doilers. For current; and ordinary expenses, as follows: repairs and improve-