Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/572

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532 THIRTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 52, 53, 54. 1858. L<>i¤<¤ to Md his legal representatives, be, and they are hereby, confirmed in their title °°”¤"°"d’ to a certain tract of lend ceded by Don Carlos Dehault Delassus, Spanish governor of Upper Louisiana., on the twenty-filth day of March, anno Domini eighteen hundred, to Regis Loisehsituate in what was then known as Upper Louisiana, on the Missouri River, including Cedar Island, as the same was surveyed on the twentieth November, anno Domini eighteen hundred and five, by Antonio Soulard, surveyor-general for the Territory of Louisiana, according to the plat now on tile in the archives of the Missouri district. But it is provided that if said tract of land, coniirmed If said land is as aforesaid, or any part thereof; has been located by any other person or £’§;i:d£{°tl:;fg; persons, under any law of the United States, or has been surveyed and nw_ y sold by the United States, this act shall confer no title to such lands in opposition to the rights acquired by such location or purchase ; but the said Loisel, or his legal representatives, shall be permitted to make 2. rclocation on an equal amount of the public lands as may be taken by such location or purchase, that may be subject to entry at private sale, at a. price not to exceed one dollar and twenty-five cents per acre ; and the surveyor-general for the district of Nlissouri shall issue a. certificate to authorize the same. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the location authorized by this act shall be entered with the register of the proper land-office, who shall, I C¤}‘ti6¤¤;> of on application for that purpose, make out a certificate of such location as c°;;¤°n an pat" in other cases ; and if in shall appear to the Commissioner of the General Land-Office that said certificate has been obtained according to the provisions of this act, then patents shall issue as in other cases: And it is further provided, That if it shall be found that said tract of land, confirmed as aforesaid, has not been located by any other person or persons, or has not been sold by the United States as aforesaid, that, in that case, a_ patent shall be issued for the same as in other cases. Approved, May 24, 1858. May 24, 1858. CHAP. LII.-An Act to amend an Act entitled "An Act _<,rrantin_q a Pendon to Ansel

 PWlkinson," appmved August thirteenth, eighteen hundred and jjly-six.

Ante, p. 462. Be it enacted by the Senate and Abuse of Representatives of the United Former act States of America in Congress assembled, That the " act granting a pen- °‘m°”d°d‘ sion to Ansel Wilkins0n," approved August thirteenth, eighteen hundred and fifty-six, be so amended that the word “Ansel " shall read Asel wherever the same occurs in the said act. APPROVED, May 24, 1858. May 24, 1858. Can. LIII.-An Act to increase the Pensnm of John Richmond. Be it enacted by the Senate and Ease of Representatives af the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the two third pension here- John Richmond tofore allowed to John Richmond, of the State of Massachusetts, 2. private

 ffogu in the war of eighteen hundred and twelve, be, and the same is hereby,

gim.1, mas. raised to a full pension. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the beneuts accruing to the said John Richmond under and by virtue of this not shall commence January one, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, end continue for and during his natural life. Arr1z0vm:•, May 24, 1858. May 24, 1858. Crue. LIV.-An Aajbr the Reliefq/’Pian·e Gagnon, q/'Natchitoches, Louisiana. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives if the United Pierre Gagnon States of America in Congress assembled, That Pierre Gagnon be allowed l';?' ,‘?:r*°,‘;i3;lN_ to enter and pay for his preemption claim to the northeast and southeast gmptigp mgm, fractional quarters of section number seven, in township number nine