Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/576

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536 THIRTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 70, 71, 72, 73, 74. 1858. June 1, 1858. CHAP. LXX.-—An Actfzr the Ileliefqflfrgfus Dwfnel. Be it enactedlby the Senate and Ease of Representatives of the United $11,748.03 m States ey" America m Congress assembled, 1`hat the Secretary of the Treas- 5*; Pm? {Rufus ury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to cause to be paid to wyg? Or m` Rufus Dwinel, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of eleven thousand seven hundred and forty-eight dollars and three cents, being for interest, at the rate of six per centum per annum, on the sum of thirteen thousand and thirty seven dollars and seventy-two cents, from the fourth day of March, eighteen hundred and thirty-seven, when the latter sum was due from the United States to said Dwine1’s assignor, to March eleventh, eighteen hundred and fifty-two, when an appropriation was made for its payment. . Approved, June 1, 1858. Juno 1, 1858. Cin?. LXKI.—An Act for the Relief of Jima; P. Keller. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United $750 to be paid States of America in Congress assembled That the sum of seven hundred J°“” P" K°H"" and fifty dollars be allowed and paid out of any money in the treasury not as watchman. _ _ ’ _ _ _ otherwise appropriated, to Jonas P..Keller, in full for his services as a watchman or overseer of the execuuve building, at the corner of F and Seventeenth streets, from the first of April, eighteen hundred and forty- nine, to the thirtieth of September, eighteen hundred and fifty. APPROVED, June 1, 1858. June 1, 1858. Cnr. LXXI[.—An Act for the Relief my' Stephen R. Rowan. Be it enacted Q1; the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Judg·ment_in States of jimerzca zn Congress assembled, That the attorney of the United f?“'°' °*` U¥'“°‘1 States of America for the southern district of Illinois be and he is hereb States agzmnst h _. d d d. d . f. . . ’ y’ Stephen ,30w- aut Orize an rrecte to enter satis action of a Judgment rendered by an,t<> be Satisfied the district court of the United States For the said southern district of QQS{’;Ym°“° ° gllinoiskatlits ilIt1npée1én;tannofD1;>mini eighteen thtérggrgd arg @y-six, in C .. tg aver o IC n1 e es o memca. agams p en wan on

,cI,_O;é;?c his paying all the costs in said case. ’

Approved, June 1, 1858. June 1, 1858. CHAP. LXXIII.-—An Act jbr the Relie/`qf Caleb Sherman. Be it enacted the Senate and House of ftepreserztattres of the United Caleb Sliermqn States <y" America m Congress assembled, lhat m the settlement of the gEt?; accounts of Caleb Sherman, collector of customs at Paso del Norte, Texas, $97537 public the proper accounting officers of the treasury allow to his credit the sum ipouey stolen of nine hundred and seventy-five dollars and thirty-seven cents, that being mm ""' the amount of government money of which he was robbed, on the night of the 'sixth day of November, eighteen hundred and fifty-five. A.1>1>n0vm>, June 1, 1858. June 1, 1858. CHAP. LXXIV.—An Act [for the Relief of Susanna TLLea, W7d0w and Administratrz`z· “ r *‘— "" of James Jl aglenen, late of the city of Ba1timare, deceased. 3130 to be mid Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United re_]»}·esc¤¤t=¤ftvcs States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the

c,;?;°QO,2Sé`§n$: T1‘€¤S¤1`y pay to the legal representatives of the said James Maglenen,

pressed in 1:414.. the sum 0; Ogelhundred aad thir(tyJdollar%Ibei¤1g thehvalue ofla horsebzmd equipmen e onvmv 0 ie said ames av enen the same xavinv een impressed ih Septgmber, eighteen hundred dud fohrteen, for the pldrpose gf sending an express to North Point, and said horse and equipments: aving been lost in said service. Approved, June 1, 1858.