Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/860

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816 INDEX. 2A0e YAG! Certificate, Ohicmaw Inaornpdents, of invoice of certain free goods under aignropriatnon for the, .. . .. 392 reciprocity treaty, not required, ... 404 Chief stronomer, _ Cerhfcares of Location, m mark bounds; jietween Washington act to punish forgery of, ... 381 Territory and rmsh Possessmns, 42 See “Milimr Bounty Land Warrants." may appoint a clerk, .. 42 Certyicates of Purciase, for appropriations for, see Boundary. act to punish forgery of, .. 381 Engineer, See “Military Bounty Land Wam·ants." appropriations for cies ot; lll, 213, 214, Cession eg Lands, 304, 416, 417 to the United States by the Chippewas, . 633 China, to the Seminoles by the Creeks, 699 salary of minister to,. .. I .. 52 to the United States by the Menomonees, 679 salary of secretary acting as mterpreter,. 52 to the United States by the Munsces, salaries of cousuls in, . 53 577 m 664 interpreters at consulates in, . . .. 55 to the United States by the Pawnees, . . . 729 act to carry into effect the convention of to the United States by the Stockbridges November 8, 1858, between the United and Munsees, .. 577, 664 States aud, ... . . 408 to the United States by the·Wyaudotts,. 581 depositary of debentures, or duty reto the United States by the Yanctons,. . . 738 ceipts, to be selected when Chinese See also the several Indian titles, as revenue officers issue them,.. ... 408 above. compensation of such depositary, 408 Chaplain, debentures subject to appropriation,. 408 to United States Penitentiary, salary ofQ. 92 two commissioners to form a board of arm , increase of pay of at posts, .. 163 claims,. .. . . 408 of gongress, pay of} .. 255 duties of the board of claims, .. 408 Gsarges d’Ajzires, when and where to meet, .. 408 act establishing salaries oi; .. . .. 52 to terminate in one year, . .. 408 pay of secretaries of legation when acting compensation of the commissioners,. ,... 408 as, 56 awards of commissioners to be reported Charleston, (S. (1,) to the chief diplomatic cdicer iu lot for a lighthouse to be accepted China, .. .. . .. . ... 408 from, . · 101 to be approved by him, . ... 408 Guam, cogies to be sent the depositary, 408 appropriation for, printing, &c. . 47, 246, de entures or proceeds to be dis· 317, 318, 407 tributed ratably, ... . . 408 to be sold when completed, 47 records of commission, documents, &c., Chase, S/zove, to be de sited in the office of Secrelife pension to, ... 543 tary of ggate, .. 408 ——-——-, Capt. William HZ, Ohqrpewa Land District, allowance in accounts of] .. 484 established in W'1sc0nsiu, .. . ... 185 Chastus, register and receiver, and their pay, 185, 186 appropriations for the, 73, 179, 274, 329, sales to continue at old land-offices until 389 new one established, . I . . . 185 Chelsea liwspital, appropriation for, . 186 value of lands of sold, to be credited to Cidppewas, naval hospital fund, .. . .. 817 appropriations for, 66, 67, 68, 69, 73, 80, 170, Chemicals, Drugs, §·c. 171, 172, 178, 183, 184, 274, 276, 280, 389, appointment of examiner of, at San Frau- 390, 391, 392, 396 cisco, and pay ot] ... ,92 removal of Court Oriel1e- baud ot} to Cherokees, permanent homes, .. 433 appropriations for the, .. 80, 92, 362, 400 Ohdvpewas of Michigan, payment of those omitted in census taken treaty of July 31, 1855, with,. ... 621 by D. W. Siler. . 92, 362 See Ottawas. payments tc, under act 1855, ch. 175, § Chippewas¢y` Shu]: Ste. Dfarie, 24, . . ... . . 400 treaty of August 2, 1855, with, . 631 Chevalier, Andrew, right of fishing surrendered, . 631 _ land title confirmed,. . 294 payment for such surrender, ... . . . 331 Oiucago, grant to 0-shaw-wawmo, 631 enlargement of public buildings at, . 85 O/nqupewas ay" Swan Creek and Black River, privilege of reexportation extended to, 789 treaty of August 2, 1855, with,.. 633 Appendix, N0. 89. certain lands in Michigan to be with- _ salary of collector ut,. . . . . . . . . 229 drawn from sale, ... . .. . . . . 638 Ouckasaws, _ _ grant of land tc each of said Indians,. 633 apprepnatwns for the, . 68, 69, 172, 182, payment to said Indians, 634 _ _ 276, 392 cession of all the lands lieretofore appropriation for marking boundaries of owned by said Indians, 634 district 0L . . . . . 78 release of liability, .. 634 For agreement between the Chicka- surrender of annuities, . . ... 684 saws and Choctaws, and for treaty said grants and payments to be in full between the United States and the of all claims, . 634 Choctaws and, see certain land entries confirmed, .. . . 634 Choctaws and Chzckasaws. interpreter to be provided, ... 634