Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/883

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INDEX. 839 mc: nan .krusalem, Kansas Territory, salary of consul nt, ... 53 survey of southern boundary of, 27, 139 Jewell; Bgrton, land surveys in, .. SS

 pcr;s1o;:fQ ... 518 appropriations for government ofQ. . 114, 217,

eweu, juz 306 419 crcditcq in settlement with $1,000 lost in proclamation respecting; disturbance iu:

 {Fg1g1C.'.  ... 530  Appc¤dix, Proclamation, No. 42, . 791

0 nscn mar . t rec additional land districts constituted adjustment of éccguut of} .. 476 in, . . . . 187

 allgwnncsbtbcrcnn,. . 476 the "Dclawarc," "Osagc," and

0 nsfon, ames . “Western " . . . . 187 crcdnt IH accoxrnrs oi} .. 5iO former sales and iocaticns confirmed,. 187 hues, flenry JZ, provisions respecting sclrool lands i1},.: .. 254 clgm of; pe ?;t€lcd, . . ... 502 pagmenn of volunteers nu, uppropmmon ——- reve - ajor o n, or .. ... . .. 325 iifcfcnsion :0, . : . 544 appropriations for deficiency of contin- —-—-, rgxry jmdaw of Brevet—Ma ;m· germ and executive expenses in,. . 419, 429 enc er ones or ovcrnment of, ... . 419 pcnsionfo during lifc or widowhood, . . . . 551 rights oglndinns in, nndcr treaty, .. 431 —- -, Capt. I'. Ap Chtesby, ac: admitting into the Union as u State p:x%;r};:pt t0, . . 481 on condition? .. . . . .. 269 ——-— z mm, ucstion 0 admission with accom-

c46C. Hall, assignee oi ... 479   pqinggrng prgpoigionié to be      

‘··‘» - mr 0 u vo , ... ' settlement 0% claim of, 525 as to svhool gagds, 2;0 Judkial DiS!H€·{8, state university lands, . 270 sentences m one may be to penitentiary land for public buildings, ______ gm in another district of the same State,. . 2 Salt; Springs, and contiguous three made rngqwzh .. 4:;; lands, .. . .,.. . .. 270 one consmute m inncsota, .. 2 grcentg on lam} sg] _ _ ____ _ _ 270 two constituted in Missouri, . .. . 107, 198 ccudggigns mgwhich pl-Dpoggjqm, me one constituted in Oregon, . 437 offcred, .. . ...,. . 270 1i¤\i¤ oC in T<=¤¤¢SS6¤, --·.--···-·····- I manner of voting, .. .. . 270 two constituted in Texas, .. 164 proceedings nfmr the vom, if propo-

     Sec District Courts. Iowa. sinion is accegzcd, . . 270

we xpenses, if rdccte ec Ic n f appropriations for, and prosecutions for corestitutroti 83:.,..} 270

   crimes, ... 116, 219, 307, 420 proceedings in such case,. .. 270

zczury commission ~rs of cle { s h t deficiency appropriation for,. .. ... 12, 14 constitute; and tlfc;x? rughgritg appropriations foréib iiié zig; and duties,. ... . .. . .. 271 , , three :1 board, . .. . 271 J SEE "liflw ¢y’ Nw d@¤f¢;¤¢ C0w‘¢$j nhcirjcompensacion, .. .. ..., 272 wary Wife 10 ba sworn .. 2'l

  ;gy;ropris.ric;u for inclosure of, .. 228, 229 pgng](y’ if ,10;, $w0m  ______ 2’]l  242

Wl 16 Mm clecfon to confn c b L d 271 of WVaghi¤ tcm extended over Na Yard udggcmions 0; som;

   S VY   q , ... 271

Y1 Q5 · - · -···-·-·-··--- z -··-·--·-· penalty for fraudulent voting ... 271 over newiy-drscovcrcd guuno lslaudi,. 119 appropriation to curry act ingo cfccc, 299 Jurors, post-roads in, . 128, 239, 240, 347, 348, grand, for the drsmct of South Carolma, 349 court may discharge at pleasure, ,. 43 K,,$]m8kga_; fb? *{¤.Y f30m"?. may M50 d¤S<‘h¤Y§€d» ···· 50 arzropriation for the, ... 71, 176, 278, 894 111 District of Columbia, pay of, 6 Keelh ,g ( Keep, Bm-,;; and (],,,,,pa,,y ) juqfrnent against satisfied, . .. . .. 549 Keller, onus P., pymsns for services as watchman,. 536 K. Kelly, mncis IC, a ment to, . .. 468 Kalamazoo, (Mich.) Kenoxzlz William, hmdomcc an c0nti¤ucd _______________ 2 settlement of accounts q£ . . . . . . 505 Kane, Dr. Elisha K, Kendrzc/c, Brevet·Ma ;m·, li L., amhorimd to accept testimonial from allowed a credit xn settlement of accounts, 533 British Government for the Arctic Kénnedy, Joss)? Z;!., Expedition 152 pa men 0, or umn nrc or cour- ousc, presentation bf medals by Congress, to KenncrZy, C'. B. R.,

  Us Omcgn-H and mem ___________ 255  J;e11s¤0u of] . . . .. .. .  503


;ppr;pg;Er0ns for,  .  71, 175, 278, 394 enhstruents ffl, for invasipn of neighrighcs of under treaty,  431 lrornng namon. Appendix, Proclamasalary of agent of,  185 hon, N0. 4, ... . . 753

Kamas Investigating Cnmmiuge, Kentqcky Asylurrg for Deafaml Dumb, appropriamion tbr clerks, reporter, &c. ofQ 104 umu of sclhng laude of, ext.cmied,... 496