Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 115 Part 3.djvu/1119

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PROCLAMATION 7515—DEC. 18, 2001 115 STAT. 3193 Annex I (oontinued) - 75- 48 02.S S.40 4AQ2.SS.50 480 2. 56. 40 480Z57 480257.10

tUnooaledpaper and papeitxuid. o( a kind. I

(CNher paper and papertxaid. noL..| [WetghlfV 40 s/fn* or more buL.| (0(a wioni exceedingIS am] \nia tnS b<t>le paper Primed, embossed or pertoraled.. Basic paper ID be sensitized for use m pholograptqr Weighing 40 g^ or more bu nol more Son 1SO g/m'. in sheets wilii one•Ida not enaedng 43Smm and the oOier tide not ejccseding297 mm l/i Itie unTalded state: Wittione sideeicaedino 360 mm and the dtwr side exceeding ISOmmin the unfolded stale: Writing and cover paper kKta and biblepaper... C»»r _ Other Printed, embossed or perlorated... Othv: Basic paper lo be sensitized lor use inphotography Other, weighln) 40 Qlrrf or more but not ime: ttanlSOe^ Writing and cover paper Draiwing paper InSa and blia paper Otiaf

(Sae Annex lll(A)

to Ms predamatjon} Free

(See Annex IIKA)

to Ms prodamation]

(Sae Annex IIHA)

to this pnx:tamation|

(See Annex lll(A)

to this pfodamationl (See Anno lll(A) tolNs prodamatton]

(See Annex HI(A)

K> Ns pTodafnaCionl

|See Annex lll<A)

toMs piixiamation} Free

[See Annas IIKA)

to Ms proclamation)

(See Annex lll<A)

10 this prodamalionl

(See Annex lll(A)

MMs proclamation ]

(Sae Annex in(A)

ID mis prpdamalionl

(See Annex lll(A)

10 Ms prodaination]

(See Annex lll(A)

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