Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 115 Part 3.djvu/577

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PROCLAMATION 7449—JUNE 8, 2001 115 STAT. 2651 AGREEMUENT BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND THE SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF VIETNAM ON TRADE RELATIONS The Government oflhe United States of America and the Govenunent of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (hereinafter referred to collectively as "Parties* and individually as "Party"), Desiring to establish and develop mutually beneficial and equitable economic and trade relations on the basis of mutual respect for their respective independence and sovereignty; Acknowledging that the adoption of and compliance with international trade norms and standards by the Parties will aid the development of mutually beneficial trade relations, and should be the underiying basis of those relations. Noting that Vietnam is a developing country at alow level ofdevelopment, is in theprocess ofeconomic transition and is taking steps to integrate into the regional and world economy by, inter alia, joining the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), the ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA). and the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation forum (SEC), and working toward membership in the Worid Trade Organization (WTO), Having agreed that economic and trade ties and intellectual propertyrightsprotection are an important and necessary element in the strengthening of their bilateral relations; and Being convinced that an agreement on trade relations between the Parties will best serve their mutual interests, Have agreed as follows: ^ 89-194O -03 -19 QL3 Part3