Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 115 Part 3.djvu/807

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PROCLAMATION 7512—DEC. 7, 2001 115 STAT. 2881 Annex I (continued) -5- (9) ThaSacrMwyollhaTrMsuiy, a(l«r consuttatkxiwim the LMted Stales Trad* n«p(«MfMli««,(lialpr^^ regulations as maytie necessary to cany outtl«s note.* (3). The last sentence of U.S. note 1 to subchapter IV of chapter 99 is modified by deleting "Goods of Canada or Mexico imported" and inserting "Goods of Canada, Mexico or Jordan Imported* in lieu tlwreof. (4). Chapter 99 is modified by inserting a new subchapter at the endtttereof,as folkwvs: "SUBCHAPTER IX TEMPORARY MOOIFICATtONS ESTABLISHED PURSUANT TO THE UNITED STATES-JORDAN FREE TRADE AQREEMEm 1. Thia subchapteronlaiiia tempotary modHications ot the provtsions o>tfietafW schedule esl»t)lle»ied pursuant to Hie United Statas-Jordan Free Trade Agreement. QuaKlying goods o< Jordan, entered under the terms of gerwral note IB to t«e larif schedule, and dasciilMd m theprovlslorw ot this subchapter, lor wl«ch a rale ol duty lolowed t>y the symtnl

  • (JO)* Is herein provMed, are subject to dutyat the rate set lorth In this s><)chapier In lieu ol tie rata prcwided itMretor

in chapters 11twough 98. NotwMislanding quota proMSions provided tor alsaiwhare in thelahH sctwdule, originatjng goods olJordan shU tw pennMed to enter the United States to the eKem rilowable In the provisions of this subchapter. Furthernnre, any quaitfity provided tor Jordan on goods inttiisubchapter shall not l>e oounled toward any quota providedlor euch good etsaanhere In Ifia tariff schedule Orlginanng goods ol Jordan Imported into the UnHad States also she! not be subject to any ol the provisions, duties or limiiatlans ol subchapter IV ol ctiapter 99 ol thetaiMschedute. Unless olhenwte provided, theprovisions and notes ol this subchapter are effective as to such gooda ol Jordan antand, under general note IB to thetartft schedule, through Ihe dose ol December 31, 2010. at the dose ol which dale this subdiapler shall be deleted from the tariff schedule and shall cease to apply to any goods arasrad iter that data. 2. Whanavar gooda are dataMable under a provision tor nnliich thetemporary modfcationoi the applicableUnited Stalea-Jordan Free TradeAgreement rale ol duly isprovidedfor in a subheading in this subcfiapter, the raporting number. In the abaanoa ol spacMc mclrucllons lo the cormary, shal bethe appropriala statistical raporting number lor thebasic piovWoa(the appispriats piovlaion tor classWcatian purpoaas in chaplan 1 through 97) praoadad by Iha subheading number ol this subchapter. For statistical purposes, both ttiebasic pcmision statisiical lepurting number and the applicablesubheadfcignunberol this subchapter shall becoBeeled by »ie UnitedSutes Bureau olCanaus. 3. The aggregate quantHyol goods, thai are quaWybig goods entered under subheading 9909.04.06 in any calendar year aha« not aacaad tf»e quanUiyipacHed below lor that year. Year QuanOhr Yeir Quantlty Year Oua nUhr (kg) (kg) (kg) 21X11 ao.aix) 2004 117,000 2007 229.000 2002 75.000 2005 148.000 2008 286,000 20 03 94.000 20 08 183.000 20 09 358.000 Beginning in calendar year 2010 quantitative limitations shal cease to applyon such quaWying goods. 4. Tha aggregatequandlyol goods, that are quaWyIng goods entatad under subheading 9909.12.06 anteradIn any calendar year, shal not exceed ttiequanWy spcdlied bekwtor ttiatyear Year Qua ntt r Year Quanltiv Year Qutntllv (kg) (kg) (kg) 20 01 1,000 2004 1.1S0 2007 1,300 2002 1,050 2006 1.200 2008 1,400 2003 1,100 2006 1,250 2008 1,450 Provided, that peanub In ltiaahalah«» be chaniadaaainat Iha above quotas on the basis ol 75 Wtaifini lor Bach 100 Megtams el peanUs in the ahel