Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/1209

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TREATY WITH VENEZUELA. Anetrsr 27, 1860. 1157 Amucnn xxv. lutrxcuno xxv. No citizen of Venezuela shall De ninvun prinoipe 6 estado con Citizens of one apply For or take any commission quien los ¤Estados Unidos esten en l’°"°"‘°° *° “° or letters of marque for arming any guerra., solicitaran ni tomaran los .::·{;;°:n;¤ ship or ships to act as privateers cindadanos de Venezuela patentes against the said United States, or ni letras de marca, para armar ninany. of them, or against the citizens, gun buque 6 buques y salir 6. corso people, or inhabitants of the said contra los dichos Estados Unidosé United States, or any of them, or alguno de ellos, 6 contra los cuidaagainst the property of any of the danos, pueblos 6 habitantes de diinhabitants of any of them, fromlchos Estados Unidos 6 alguno de any prince or State with which the ellos; ni contra los bienes de ninsaid United States shall be at war; guno de sus habitantes; ni ningun nor shall any citizen or inhabitant ciudadano ni habitante de los Estaof the said United States, or any dos Unidos, 6 alguno de ellos, soliciof thorn, apply for or take any com- tara ni tomara de ningun principe 6 mission or letters of marque for estado con que Venezuela esté en arming any ship or ships to act as guerra patentes ni letras de marca privateers against the citizens or para armar algun buque 6 buques inhabitants of Venezuela, or any of y salir a corso contra los ciudadanos them, or the property of any of 6 habitantes de dicha Bepublica,6 them, from any prince or State alguno de ellos, ysi algun individuo with which the said Republic shall de cualquiera de las dos naciones be at war; and if any person of tomare tales patentes 6 letra de either nation shall take such com- marca, sera castigado conforms 6. missions or letters of marque, he sus respectivas leyes. shall be punished according to their respective laws. uzrxcnm xxvr.- ARTICULO XXVI. The high contracting parties grant Las altas partes contratantes se Consuls and to each other the liberty of having conceden reciprocamente la libertad "*°•‘°°¤¤“]*- in the ports of the other consuls or de tener en los puertos de la. otra vice·consuls of their own appoint- cénsules 6 vice consules nombrados ment, who shall enjoy the same priv— por ellas mismas, los cuales gozaran ileges and powers as those of the de los propios privilegios y faculmost favored nation ; but if any of tades que los de la nacion mas favothe said consuls or vice-consuls shall recida; pero, si algunos de dichos carry on trade, they shall be sub- c6nsules 6 vice cénsules ejercieren jected to the same laws and usages el comercio, estaran sujetos ai las to which private individuals of their mismas leyes y usos 6. que estu= nation are subjected in the same viéren sujetos en el mismo lugar los place. particulares de su nacion. It is understood that whenever Se entiende que, siempre, que Wnsncoasulu either of the two contracting parties cualquiera de las dos partes con- ¤8¤¤¤•¤°¤¤¤•¤· shall select a citizen of the other for tratantes elijiere 6 un ciudndano de a consular agent, 'to reside in any la otra por agente consular con resiports or commercial places of the dencia en puertos 6 plazas oomercilatter, such consul or agent shall ales de la1iltima,ta1 cénsuléagente continue to be regarded, notwith- continunra. siendo consldcrado, no standing his qulity of a foreign obstante su calidad de consul es- ‘ consul, us a citizen of the nation to tmngero, como ciudadano de la nawhich he belongs, and consequently cion a que pertenece, yconsiguienteshall be subject to the laws and reg- mente estara someudo a las leyes y ulations to` which natives are sub- reglamentos a que en el lugar de su jected in the place of his residence. residencia lo estuviéren los natu- This obligation, however, shall in rales. Sin embargo, esta obliga-