Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/1218

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1166 TREATY WITH THE ARAPAHOE F"'*l*°' dd- ARTIGLE 7th. Should any further aid from time to time be necessary to enable the Arapahoes and Cheyennes of the Upper Arkansas to sustain themselves successfully in agricultural or other industrial PUPSUICS, such additional means as may be required therefor shall be taken from the moneys due and belonging to them under the provisions of former treaties or articles of agreement and convention, and so much of said moneysas may be required to furnish them further aid as aforesaid shall be applied in such manner, under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, as he shall consider best calculated to improve and promote their welfare. President and And, in order to render unnecessary any further treaty engagements or g°Q,StE$°*&m**>} arrangements hereafter with the United States, it is hereby agreed and mgrldgatig °r` stipulated that the President, with the assent of Congress, shall have full power to modify or change any of the provisions of former treaties with the Arapahoes and Cheyennes of the Upper Arkansas, in such manner and to whatever extent he may judge to be necessary and expedient for their best interests. pxpeuses of ARTICLE 8th. All the expenses connected with and incident to the tb" "°“°Y‘ making of this agreement and the carrying out its provisions shall be defrayed by the United States, except as otherwise herein provided. Roads & ARTICLE 9th. It is agreed that all roads and highways, laid out by E':'° “8i‘° °f authority of law, shall have right of way through the lands within the y' reservation hereinbefore specified, on the same terms as are provided by law when roads and highways are made through lands of citizens of the United States. lllnisting sn- ARTICLE 10th. It is also agreed by the United States that the annui- EQ2? %‘;°b° °°“‘ ties now paid to the Arapahoes and Cheyennes, under existing treaties or ’articles of agreement and convention, shall be continued to them until the stipulations of said treaties or articles of agreement and convention relating to such annuities shall be fulfilled. Proprietors of ARTICLE 11th. In consideration of the kind treatment of the Arapa- £°;‘:;;_ gg: hoes and Cheyennes by the citizens of Denver City and the adjacent ’ towns, they respectfully request that the proprietors of said city and adjacent towns be permitted by the United States government to enter a sufficient quantity of land to include said city and towns, at the minimum price of one dollar and twenty-five cents per acre. `l¤¤¤;*¤E¤¤*s Anr1cLr·: 12th. This instrument shall be obligatory on the contracting Hg;f:,,.y_ °°parties whenever the same shall be ratified by the President and the Senate of the United States. Signature. In testimony whereof, the said Commissionerfsj as aforesaid, and the said Chiefs and‘Delegates of the Arapahoes and Cheyennes of the Upper Arkansas, have hereunto set their hands and seals, at the place and on the day and year hereinbefore written. A. G. BOONE, _ UZ S. Ind. Ag!. and Commissioner. F. B. CULVER, Oomr. and Spccl. Agt. On the part of the Arapahocs. HO·HA-CA-CHE, his x mark, or Little Raven. AC-KER-BA-THE, his x mark, or Storm. CHE-NE-NA-E-TE, his x mark, Shave-Head. MA-N A- SA-TE, his x mark, Big Mouth. On the part of the Cheyennes. MO—TA-VA—'I`O, his x mark, Black Kettle. VO-KI-VOKAMAST, his x mark, White Antelope. AVO·N A-CO, his x mark, Lean Bear. O-NE-A-HA-KET, his x mark, Little Wolf