Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/1352

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1300 INDEX. lun IAGI Coleman, James S., Collectors q" Customs, _ _ _ land-patents issued to, to be cancelled when to take possession of certain xmand to issue to James S. Douglass, ports, ... : .• 209 Senior, .. . 840 duty ot} when payments are made m Collection Dist11}:t, (C'ust0ms.) treasury notes, 122 of Brazos de Santiago, custom-house in, dudes, &c., ot) under the sor. further to changed, .. 39 provide for the collection of dunes on F custom-house and port of entry at imports, . . 255-2.>8 Brownsville,. .. 89 may require bond upon clearance of deputy collector to be at Brazos de vessel, . . 404 Simlingo,. . . ...,... 89 condition thereof, . . . . 404 authority of deputy,. . 89 at San Francisco and Portland, Oregon, tmnsshipment of imported goods at to be supplied with adhesive stamps, Brazos harbor for Brownsville,. . . 89, 40 &c., . . . 632 existing obligations saved, 40 no greater commission than now alof Saluria, ofllce of surveyor of customs lowed by law, . 632 at Corpus Christi, abolished, 48 on Northern, Northeastern, arid_ Northdeputy collectorship established, ... 43 western frontiers, acc to equalize and pay of deputy collector, ... 43 establish compensation of,.. . 760 certain, in California, abolished, ... 411 to render with accounts of expenses of attached to that of San Francisco,.. 411 office, lists of clerks and employees, of New York, part of New Jersey added &c., .. 760, 761 to, .. . . 658 to submit monthly estimates in advance, assistant collector at Jersey City, .. 658 for expenses, . . 761 pay and duties of, 658 or other officers of the revenue, district in Texas and New Mexico,. ... 761 attorneys toappearforyin suitsagainst, residence of collector, 761 unless otherwise instructed, . 741 jurisdiction of district court of New execution not to issue, if court grants Mexico, ... 761 certificate of probable cause, . 741 violations of revenue laws, how tried, 761 judgments in such cases, how to be district of Snckett/s Harbor annexed to paid, . 741 that of Cape Vincent, .. 761 to notify consul to transmit certiiied of Niagara, extended, . 761 copy of invoice,. ... 738 Lewiston not to be port of entry,.. 761 to report seizures of goods to solicport of entry to be at Suspension itor, . . 789 Bridge, ... 761 may release goods seized, upon payment ports of entry in district of Champlain,. 761 of their value, if it does not exceed in Michilimackinack district, .. 761 $1000. Collection Districts. See Direct Tax. when and how may be authorized to for assessing, &c., direct tax, provisions search for and seize invoices, papers, concerning, . . ... 296-312 &c., . . . 740 for assessing and levying duties or taxes Collectors of Highway, gw. , Taxes, under the internal revenue act,. . 483 in Washington County, D. C., 799, 800 See Internal Revenue. Colleges. See Public Lands. Collection of Duties, thr the benefit of agricultural and the may be made on shipboard in certain mechanic arts, aid to states to estabcases, . 256 lish, .. 503 Cbucdivn of Revenue, Collins, E. K., appropriations for, may be applied to ayment of balance due, .. 112 the charter or purchase of vessels for “Cogmel Cook," the revenue service,. ... 286 name of schooner “Augusta " changed no liability to be incurred beyond to, ... 130 appropriations,. ... . 286 Colonel of Ordnance, Cbllection of kevenue_/7-mn Lands, appropriation for office of}. .98, 99, 140, 362 appropriations for the, 108, 144, 367, 747, 748 368, 682 Uolkctvr, Cblonization, of customs at San Francisco, salary oi} of free colored persons resident in Disestablished,. ... 411 triet of Columbia, desiring to emiof taxes under act for instruction of grate to Hayti or Liberia, &c., approyouth in primary schools, in Wash- priation toaid, 378 ington Count , D. C., . . . 396-402 expenditure not to exceed $100 to See lgrimmy Schools. each emigrant, .. . . 378 Collectors, to Hayti, Liberia, &c., 425 under internal revenue act, appoint- appropriation for, 582 ment, power, and duties ot, .. 483-489 of freed slaves, provisions for, 592 may administer oaths, 632 Cblomdo, no fees therefor,. . 632 territory of, established, .. 172 pay of, .. 725 act amending the act establishing, . 700 in California, Oregon, and Nevada, . 730 part of act applicable to Dakota . . . 701 for collecting, &c., direct mx, appoinv boundaries, .. ’ . . . 172 ment, duties, &c.,. .. 296-312 rights of Indians not impaired,. . . .. 172 provision in case of sickness or death of} 312 Indian territory excepted out of bound- See Direct Tax. aries, until, &c., ... 172