Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/1353

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INDEX. 1801 _ PAGE gl Colomdo, (continued.) Cdoradol (continued_) u authority of United _Stntes over In- attorney, appointment, fees, salary, and dams thereon not impaired, . 172 duty of, ... . . . ... . . 175 territory may be divided, &.c., ... . , 172 marshal, appointment, fees salary and executive power and authority, 172, 700 duty of} ... ,’ ... ’ 1 75 governor, term, powers, and duties,i 14756 contingent expenses of territory, annual _ _ _ , A appropriation for, .. 176 appointment, qualification, and sal- 176 seatilof gogernment, how established and ary, .. c on , .. salary of as superintendent of In- dclegutic to Congress, qualifications and 176 dian affairs, ... 175, 700 election ot, ..., 176 veto power, .. .. ... 700 school sections, .. 176 secretary, term, powers, and duties, 172, 175 constitution and laws of the United secretary, appointment, qualinca.- States. if not inapplicable, made upuon, and salary, . 1..; . 175 plicablc to the territory, ... 176 when to wct as governor, . 172 surveyor-general to be appointed, .. 176 legislative power, . ... 173 compensation, powers, duties, &c., 176 extent and limits of, . 174 appropriation for, ... 219, 277, 278 legislative assembly to consist of council annual direct tax apportioned to,. .. 296 and house of representatives,. .. . 173 and Utah to make one surveying dispay of members, and expenses of,. 175, trict, . 369 _ _ 176 surveyor-general ot, to be surveyor-gem appropriation to be made for ex·· ere, .. 869 penses ot] . 176 ond Utah to make one land district, 409 time and place of Bret and subse- land-otllce established in,. . 418 qnent sessions ot, . 173, 176 registerandreceivertobeappointed, 418 sessions not to exceed term of forty duties, salaries, &c., .. 418 days, except the first, ... 178 posuoutes established in . 420, 674, 664 council, number, term of service, &c.,. 1Q7Sé time of holding second session of logis- 7 lstive assembl of, .. 619 election of members ot, .. 173 appropriation fo; survey of lands in,. . . 351 house of representatives, number, term surveying public lands iu, . 748 of service, &c., . ... 173, 175 register an receiver in,. .. 748 apportionment lor election of members census of} . .. 748 of council and house, .. 178 territorinllibrary in, .. 748 census before first election, .. . . 173 territorial prison in, .. 749 first election, proceedings thereof,. . 173 Indian service in, .. .. 791 subsequent elections and apportion- Colored Women and Children, ments, 173, 176 National Association for the relief of) invoters et first and subsequent elections, 173 corpornted, . ... . . . . 650, 651 eligibility to office at first und subse- See National Association, Q1:. qucnt elections, . ... 173 Colored Chi/dren. See Primary Schools. who are disqualified to hold office,. 174 provision for education oi] in Washing township, district, and county officers, ton County, D. C.,. 402 how appointed, &c.,. ... 174 act providing for education ot) in Washjudicial power, in what vested, 174, 700 ington an Georgetown, D. C.,. . . . 407 supreme court, number, appointment, ten per cent. of taxes collected from pernnd salary of judges of,. .. 174, 176, 700 sons of color said cities, to be set jurisdiction, &c., in chancery and at apart for education of, .. 407 common law, .. 174, 700 trustees of public schools to have conclcrlquppointment, fees, &c., ot, 174, 700 trol,... .. ._ . ... . 407 writs ofcnror, exceptions, appeals to to provide rooms, teachers, &c., 407 and from, . 174, 175, 700 to have same ppwers so now over trial by jury not allowed in cases re- public schoo now existing, 407 moved to, . 174 in the District of Columbia, duties of times and places of holding courts, 117:8 grdustegs of publjpasclpools éinguer nett}; uca on 0 , ns erre spec district courts, number, appointment, board of trustees,. . 537, 538 and salary of judges oi}. .. 174, 175, 700 powers and duties of new board,. . 538 jurisdiction, &c., of, in clmncery term ot ollioe of trustees, .. 538 and at common law,.. 174, 175, 700 vacancies in office ot] how filled,.. . 538 times and places of holding courts, 117.4; Colored fm lzegems rg under in is o u ia, ri 1 , rk of intment fees, &c. ot, 174, the law,. . . . . .. 407 cle ) appt) l ,175, 700 not to be excluded from cars of Alexto be register in chsmcery, . . . 174 nndris and W. Railroad, for their probate courts, jurisdiction of, and up- color, . . .. .. .. 805 pointment of judges oi] 174, 700 Colored Youth, _ _ _ justices of the peace, appointment and act to incorporate the institution for the jurisdiction ot', 174, 700 erluceuon oil . _. .: .. . 796 habeas cmpus, by whom write of, may (Mumbia, Drstrictej See Distnctof Columbus. 6 be granted, . . . ... 175, 700 appropriations for, Goo., 143, 144, 217, 36 , precedence of trials ot, ... 701 367, 693