Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/1357

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INDEX. 1305 Constitution o/` Kansas, PAGE (‘onsu/ar and Di lama:' F ° mx .— . J J , , , (continued.) republican m form . .. 126 P 'mw xpmsys Constztzzlimz of the Unilerj Stgzqg, ampgalfzliiixidgvélllixm L` Bakcn to be 639 joint resolution to amend, . 251 salaries of comniissioneisi I C0nslrur·t:`0n and Repair, and Libwm _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ ’ _ · ° y 639 burrlcgn ot, established m Navy Depart- 510 expenses mailer treaty with Great Brib- · _ ,... , .,... i' t s s' s officers, &c., of, their salaries,. .510, bil zigdoijr. .. 7. . gf. mw. 689 appropriations for hureau of},. .690, 691, 816 Consular Certificates, i i Ii i transfer ot appropriation for bureau of, rmgnred for voluntary emigration of _ h' s b' -t , .. (7nnsuIur and Dlplomrrtzcl Erpenses, not tcilhae éisiieiilfiixiless, &c., .. . geaereggpiggpriatnon for 1860-61,. gl Consularé Court. See (,bnsu/s, Mimklers. r Ii - U ,. ... 6 in anton, appropriation for mnrshnl for, 21 gr . act establishing in Chino., Japan, Siam, r - ,._ . I . . . &c. . 72-79 enggys, ministers, snilg go)n1in]gasg>g 6% relpestl of forlmer inconsistent acts,.. 79 ,.._ .. , ‘: . w en actta eselleut. 79 secretaries of legation, ..20,,170,’3é&:-gxé appropriotionms iilr, in ilhina, Japan, _ `iam, and Turkey 171 386 639 648 contingent expenses, 20, 170, 335, 638 Consular Fees, , , I ’ Barbsry powers, 20, 171, 335, 638 reduced for vessels running regularly to consulates in Turkey, 20, 171, 335, 638 or between lorcign ports,. ... 815 American seamen abroad,. ..20, 171, 335, not more than tour trips a. your to 638 befor,. . . 315 office-rent of consuls-general, . 20, lg, Consular O_Jfcei:1 335, 8 whose salaries exceed $1000, not to eusulnrics ofQ and of consulsih. hgage in mercantile business,.. . .. 836 9 their consulates to be in list of salaried interpreters in China, 20, 171; 336; 639 consulates, . . . . 836 blank-books, stationery, flags, &.c., 638 Consulate, boundary line commission between at Trinidad de Cuba, may be discontin- Great Britain and Washington Ter- ned, .. 754 rit0ry,: 20, 21 Consulates in_Tn»·ke_y,_ suppression of slave trade, 21, 689 mepproprmtions ior, 20, 171, 385, 638 bringing home persons charged with Cb , crime, . . .. 21, 171, 837, 639 one may be appointed at Cienfne os,... 754 ph'p in L ina 21 Cons Is and C nsul t g rison s 1 ‘h ... u o u es marshal nt consular court in Canton, 21 treaty provisions’respecting. See Titles commissioner to China. and consuls, 21 of the several Zhuties with Foreign prisons in China, Japan, Siam, and Counzriea. Turkey, . 21, 171, 336, 639 Consuls and Wee-Consuls, marshals at consular courts in Chinn, przévisions concerning, in treaty with &c., .. 2l, 171, 336 639 olivia.,, ., 1019 office of consul-general at Simodu abolj U1 C ul Gwithd Liberia, 1246 ished, . . ... ons - 'ener , salaries of oonsuls at Kanagowa. and at Simoda, officeofl abolished,. 171 Nagasaki established, .. 171 to Huyti and Liberia. authorized,. .. 421 appropriation to enable the Secretary of pay, &c., 421 State to prepare, &c., authentic copies Consuls, _ _ of the settlement of boundaries of appropriations to pay salaries, &c., oi 20, 21, certain states, and maps and charts 171, 385, 336, 689, 648 relating thereto, .. i ... 171 of the United States, in Cliinn,_Japein, for bringing from Batavia seamen and Siam; to have cerlmn judicial of ship “Stnghonnd," .. 172 powers in addition to powers imposed salaries of consuls at Bremen, Newcns- by treaties,. . _ . . 72 tle-upon-Tyne, Picton, N. S., Port as to crimes and misdemeanors,... 72 Mahon, and Swatow establishell, 336 ns to civil rights, . _ . 78 consular officers, whose salaries exceed provisions of not in a certmn degree ex· $1000, not to engage in mercantile 336 tended to '1 lnrkey, 76 business, .. so to ersm orocco usca their consulates to be in list of· l _ Tripoli. and loins,, . . 76 ried consulates, 336 civil and criminal Jurisdiction, how to be consuls not to be appointed, except to enforced, . i. . _. .. 78 places named in the act, 336 forms of proceedings, &c., to be furnishnor their compensation be raised, . . 336 ed by ministers, ..,.l. . . 78 pay and increased salaries to sundry consuls may assent or dissent, and consuls, ... 336 proceedings thereon, ... 73 for bringing from Sidney seamen of ship on complaint, &c., properly filed and nu- " Junior," charged with mutiny, &.c., thentxcatcd, may issue warrant for or- 4 and guard and witnesses, ... 337 rest for offences, _ . .: . : .. 7 salary of consul at Guayamas esta.b· or upon facts within their own lished, 639 knowledge,. ... 74