Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/1400

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1348 INDEX. t ti . ntmuz venue con nue . _ _ 1 zzz s m' 1 me ( ta d) ml ” mm wm", (cou mw ) instrument, &c., also to be invalid, 475, 724 SAr.An1x·:s arm PAY or Ormcxxs nm Pmxsons but not Prim. to Jam 1, 4g5g, ____ 55; ur rue Suavxce or ru¤U¤1ranSrar¤s,a¤¤ stamps for one instrument not to bg P*““*’°““· used for any other of same amount, 476 duty on excess of salary above $600,.. . 472 if so used to be of no avail, 476 to be paid by all in employ or ser- paper, &c., stamped for particular purvice of the United States, .. . 472 pose, to be used for no other purmembers of Congress included,. ... 472 pose, . 476 amount of duty to be withheld in set- forging or counterfeiting, &c., stamps or tling accounts, . 472 dies, how punished, .. . ... l . . 476 duty on passports to be paid collector,. . 472 usingforged stamp, &c., knowingly, with collector to account therefor, .. 442 intent to defraud, .. . . . 476 AD S NT fralpdulently {pairing or cutting offstump 476 VKRTX IW! S- ow punis e , . duty on receipts for advertisements in- P°”°“$ using 09****** SWUPS tv mg 721 sertcd in any newspaper, magazine, 472 fllzléléhéy -·..··. ,476 &C.. . . _ _ »·••••·_ ·‘'•· ’•" amount fof $1000 of receipts, ex- 473 P¥`;l’;;t}*;':h*grP::'l;l¥;i;’¥:`l.§')smlclcs ma? 476 emt rom dut, . .. _¤ _ » ········- ;· newsgapers circnilating not over *1*9% &°-» tv be Fcwmed by 90mm!!` 2000 copies, exempt, ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ 473 sioner, 476 managers of newspapers to mmm un. Stamps to be so amxed as to be dedcr oath gross amount of receipts 2 f ¤t¥Q°.;0d»·}_;1;·h· -·-- _ · ·· $1% 477 quarterly, . 47 0T8m 0i' li U _¤ Y using 9 duties payable at time of such return, . . 472 SUNW, h°‘Y Pumshedq -·-······ 477 _ pemuty for negieet, a-sua, ae .,.. ... 473 penalty for making. &<=-. bills of exif returns, &c., are not made, assistant °P°¤§°» &·°·» Wlth°¤* Smmlmr with 99* assessor to estimate the duties, &c.,. . 473 Sign Fo evade. &°·, · -····--·-·-····· 477 duty may be added to price of advertise- ¤°°€P*°” °f bins of €X°h¤¤S° to Phu mem ,... . 473 ¤¤»¤¤r>¤ ¢h¤r¤¤¤. ---- - ---·----- · 477 bills not to be negotiated without Iucmm DUTY- stamp . ... 477 portion of act of 1861 establishing in- penalty for forging or negotiating bill come tux, repealed, 473 without temp,. .. 477 duty on annual gains, profits, or income, 00mm15S10U0T to sell stamps to collectif over $600-and not over $10,000, 473 Ol'!. postmasters, and others, 477, 718 if over $10,000, .. 473 Ev; perfent. commission to be deon income derived from United ucte , ... 477 States securities, ... 474 di¤¢<>¤nt to proprietors of proprietary on stocks, &c. owned in the United articles furnishin their own stam s . 477 l _ · g p l States, by citizens of the United commissioner to make allowance for States residing abroad, _ 478 Stamps rendered useless, ... 477, 478 local and other taxes to be iirst de- to decide upon application of any ducted, . . . 473, 474, 728 person, whether any instrument for whnttedyear to be assessed and is chargeable with any duty, , 478 collcc , .. 474 special stamp in such case, 478 when payable, . .. 474 tele8T$ph companies not to send mespeimry for delay or default in pay- 474 ° gases unlesslstamp is siiiitired, &.o.,... . . 478 n,. n samp onyrequire or one m · amount due to he a lien on property sage sent by many companies, gs. 478 _ from winch income accrues,. 474 express companies 110t to receive articles hen Gnu); be enforced by distraint d for transportation without stamp,.. .. 478 an sae. ... . . 474 475 rugs co ti · of , &. proceedings in such case, 474; 475 to be soldlfvitzlhaupea 2;:;. . 41% 727 certificates of sale by collector, ef- penalty t ‘ f r . . ... I 478 fect oi) Z . . . 475 this pro ot to apply to phy- persons to make return of income, &c., 475, sicians*l` ’ iptions, &c.,... 478, 479 _ 718 penalty on make s of drugs, &c., for rein case of neglect or refusal, asses- moving, &c., stamp with intent to sore to determine amount and as- evade duties, .. 479 727 sess the same, . 475 for selling same without stamp , 479 anetsor naay increase amount of income medicines for exportation not lin; re urne , ... . .. 475 cluded herein,. .. . ... persons may make oath as to amount of maker, &c., of drugs, &c. to 479 income 4 ‘ ’ ma 6 , ... 75 monthly statement in writing,. .. 479 snmp DUTIES_ ocnteptsfof Each statement, ... 479 stamp duties to be levied collected and B h gain 7- gr se sF°t€m°¤t’ '‘ *79 Mid. 011 ¤6!'i¤i¤ i¤¤¤¤¤;\¤¤¢¤, &¢-,,475-464% agrgemgntsj . ’l . . l . l 479-473 psmlgufgppsghcptsl. ¤;.·;¤¤;§. dw-. such balls ot e?cl$ange l ``'```·`' $$3 vu ¤ mp, ... 475 brus ofmdmg, ...481