Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/1430

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1378 INDEX. or uu _ , n Muscat. See Uonsuls, Minister:. Natzonul Forces, (continued.) · ’ 782 civil and criminal jurisdiction of minis- second class, . . . if gerters and consuls of the United States second class not to be C3 9 I S have in, 78 {gcc, vaigdfhese of im ° “ -,32 MI520m. Arm xlledical en (33, , ,,,,,. . , . . : , . .: ····· -· appropriéytion for, ., ... . .,,..,,, 645 the United §tates to be dmded into e¤ 732 Jlusicfgng, YOIHKBIUZ d1SIl‘lCtS·, . . . . . . ha-. . ..· Q- · · · pay to Certain, for losses of private prop- what to constitute the_ @120 y -··· 732 crt , in removal from Fort Moultrie provosbniarshal for each d¤Si¤¤ i- · · 734 to liort Sumter, ... 898 appomtment, rank, P8)'.- · -_ ··-· { how to be divided, ... 898 provosomarslnal-general, appolllfmggz. 734 certain, stationed at Fort Sumter, to be rank, pay .·..------·- ·· - - · ·éé‘; ir; paid for losses of private property, . . . 273 office of to form separate ur 732 how payment to be made, . ... 274 War Department, .. ..· 732 Mulllated Circulating Notes, duty of provost-marshal-genera , .·.-·· · 732 may be exchanged for new, ,...,.. 675 of provostmarshals, Z. .: -. 732 may be replaced by reissue, .,, 870 board of enrolment m each district, -·-. 782 to be destroyed, . . 870 how constituted and appognfrd, ··~· 32 Mali/ation, enrolment districts to be subdivided,- · · $33 of circulating notes, &e., with intent, enrolling officers, thexr dunes, &<i·. --··- 733 &c., how punished, 680 each class to be enrolled separate y, --·· 733 Myerle, David, to embrace only what persons,. Z.. . payment to, for lggggg, &c_, in testing persons enrolled subjectto be called mto 733 process of water-rotting hemp, .. 860 mxliplary seflvmei. é kb w en ca e , o N in all respects as volunteers, . 733 ' when national forces are to be called Nagasaki, Japan, out for military service, the President salary of consul at, established, 171 assign t0_ each district the number Names of Vessels, it is to furnish, . 733 Secretary of Navy may change certain,. 816 principle of assignment, . . . 733 Narragansett Bay, number in the several states to be equalappropriation for erection of temporary ized, ... . ... _ . . . 733 works of defence iu, . . .. 343 enrolling board to draft the required appropriations for permanent defences number, .. _ 733 at, . .. 655 and fifty per cent. in addition, . 733 waters of, to be surveyed and examined to make exact and complete roll, to ascertain their Htness for a navy and in the order they were yard, . . .» .. 576 drawn, . , . 733 Natnorzal Academy of Sciences, person drawn, how notified, .. 133 act to incorporate, corporators, 806 those drafted and notified must appear number of ordinary members, . 806 on the day appointed, . _. 733 election of foreign and domestic mem- or furnish an acceptable substibers, . 806 tute, . . 738 power of corporation, . 806 or may pay not over $300, 733 annual meeting, . . 806 failing to appear, or to End substiinvestigations, examinations, &c.,on sub- tute, or to pay, to be treated as jects of science of art, .. 806 deserters, . 733 expenses thereofi . 806, 807 persons drafted to be inspected by sur- Notional Armories, geon, . . , ... 733, 734 superintendents ot} to be ordnance ofli- claims for exemption for physical discers, .. 318 ability to be decided by enrolment National Association for the Relief of Dcstitutc board, . ... 734 Colored Women and Children, its decision to be final, ... 734 incorporated, . ... 650 penalty on surgeon for neglect in inpurposes, powers, and officers of the cor- spection, &c., .. 7 34 poration, ... 650, 651 for making imperfect or false regovernment of the institution, . 651 ports, . 734 society may receive destitute children, those drafted and not wanted, to be disand bind them out,. . .. 651 charged, .. 734 what lands may be held and how ac- travel to and from rendezvous to be quired, . . .. 651 allowed, .. 734 National Currency. See Banking Associations. expenses of enrolment and draft, how _act to provide, &.c., .665-682 paid, .,... 734 National Forces, _ . of arrest and return of deserters,. . 734 act for enrolling and calling out the, . . . 731 those fumishing substitutes to be diswho to constitute, and liable to military charged from draft, 7 34 duty, .. .. . 731 substitute to have same pay, &c., as if who are exempt, 731 originally drafted, . 734 no person convicted of felony to be en- bounty to volunteers now in service for rolled or permitted to serve, . 731 reénlistment, ..,. . . 734 to be divided into two classes, . 781, 732 when companies of a regiment may be first class, ... 731, 732 consolidated, .. 734