Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/371

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7 THIRTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 27,28. 1862. 34l. DCK, {Eké OD l)O8I`d Oi. Ally vessel, 0I' receive 01* transport any such per- or transporting, sons as are above described in this uct, for the purpose of disposing *l‘°“‘·f8;;··°°,:‘“‘ _ of them as aforesaid, he or they shall be liable to be indicted therefor, §°u;i:;,,,d?m’ Ow . and, on conviction thereof, shall be liable to a fine not exceeding two thousand dollars and be imprisoned not exceeding one year. Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That nothing in this act hereiube- _ This act:_n0t io fore contained shall be deemed or construed to apply to or affect any ;‘:m:‘;° wg:; free and voluntary emigration of any Chinese subject, or to any vessel gmgionzwim carrying such person as passenger on board the same: Provided, haw- Chl¤€S€· _ ever, That a permit or certificate shall be prepared and signed by the 6 c:’“’“l‘“Z °$"P" consul or consular agent of the United States residing at the port from S,E:;,°,,;%:m° m which such vessel may take her departure, containing the mime of such person, and setting forth the fuct of his voluntary emigration from such port or place, which certificate shall be given to the master of such vessel; but the same shall not be given until such consul or consular agent shall be first personally satisned by evidence produced of the truth of the facts therein contained. Sec. 5. And be it further enacteeh That all the provisions of the act P*'°‘f¤lS>¤¤ °f of Congress approved February twenty-second, eighteen hundred and ;,::°s;;§?nt° forty-seven, entitled "An act to regulate the carriage of passengers in merclnumvessels, merchant vessels," and ull the provisions of the act of Congress approved ;‘;s:;’f;I{af:__;‘:°h March third, eighteen hundred and forty-nine, entitled "An act to extend pamngm {wg the provisions of all laws now in force relating to the carriage of pas- ¢W¤¤¤**>¤*iS¤ sengers in merchant vessels and the regulation the:-eofQ" slmll be ex- p?;;? ch_16_ tended and shall apply to all vessels owned in whole or in part by Vol.,ix. p. 127. citizens of the United States, and registered, enrolled, or licensed within ¥‘59v.°h· Hats the United States, propelled by wind or by steam, and to ull masters °'1X'P` ` thereof, carrying passengers or intending to carry passengers from any foreign port or place without the United States to any other foreign port. or place without. the United States; and that all penalties and ibrliaitures provided for in said act shall apply to vessels and masters last aforesaid. _ S20. 6. And be it further enacted, That the President of the United r§’°°fd°'*€ mg? States shall be, and he is hereby, authorized and empowered, in such $,,,::3;:;,:,38 way and at such time as he shall judge proper to the end that the vmselspuppqseft provisions of this act may be enforced according to the true intent and ;';h,f;;d_°“l‘" meaning thereof, to direct and order the vessels of the United States, and the masters and commanders thereof; to examine all vessels navigated cr owned in whole or in part by citizens of the United States, and registered, enrolled, or licensed under the laws of the United States, wherever they may bc, whenever, in the judgment of such master or commanding officer thereof, reasonable cause shall exist to believe that such vessel has on board, in violation of the provisions of this act, any IF any vgsselis subjects of China. known as “c0olies," for the purpose of transports- fsgizlxi-d,;;:;: tion; and upon sufficient proof' that such vessel is employed in viola- itisto pe sent no tion of the provisions of this act, to cause such vessel to be carried, giggllied with ber officcrs and crew, into any port or district within the United S' States, and delivered to the marshal of such district, to be held and disposed of according to the provisions of this act. Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That this act shall take cH`ect from ul?'};;? :<='> W and alter six months from the day of its passage. ° °° ' Approved, February 19, 1862. CHAP. XXVIII. -—- An Act making Appropriations for the Construction, Preservation, F¢b¤¤¤fy20, 1862· and Repairs of certain rbrtyica¢ions and other lV0r/cs of I)¢nce jbr the. Year ending 1/iirtietI13[`June, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, and additional Approprzationsfzr the Year en ing thirzieth June, ecg/zleen hundred and sixty-two. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums bc,