Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/51

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THIRTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 60, 61. 1860. 21 transportation, and contingencies of the commission to run and mark the boundary line between the United States and the British possessions gounding on Washington Territory, one hundred and fifty thousand 0 ars. To enable the President of the United States to carry into effect the S¤1>pM¤i¤¤ ¤f act of Congress of third March, eighteen hundred and nineteen, and any m" °”'”d°’ subsequent acts now in force for the suppression of the slave trade, forty thousand dollars. For expenses incurred under instructions from the Secretary of State, MPG90m 9km':- in bringing home from foreign countries persons charged with crime, and mm °"m°‘ expenses incident thereto, ten thousand dollars. To enable the Secretary of State to defray the cost of a prison ship at Ifrlscn ship in Canton, in China, from the first day of January, eighteen hundred and cl'“‘“· fifty-four, to the first day of January, eighteen hundred and fifty-seven, and for compensation of the marshal of the consular court at Canton from January one, eighteen hundred and fifly-four, to fifteenth December, eighteen hundred and fifty-seven, four thousand seven hundred and sixty dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. For compensation of commissioner to China. and the consuls at the C°¤¤¤¤i*’·¤i°¤¤¢ Eve ports in China, viz.: Kwang-chow, Amoy, Fu-chow, Ningpo, and 333:8 and Shanghae, from the first of July, eighteen hundred and Efty-five, to the thirty-first; of December, eighteen hundred and Elly-six, nine thousand dollars. Approved, May 26, 1860. cm. Lx1.-An Ae to was the mz.: m certain Lands se apart ju me Use of mas,. Mw 26, 1860- HaMBreed Kbnsas Indians, in Kznsas Tenilmy. pu, P_ gg; Whereas by the sixth article of a treaty made and concluded at the v1;*'°*}!¤bl°· 45 City of sr, Louis in the smc of Missouri, on the mm day of June, °·'“· P· 2 · eighteen hundred and twenty-Eve, between the United States of America and the Kansas nation of Indians, there was reserved from the lands ceded R¤¤¤¤¢ by by said treaty to the United State->s'by said Kansas nation of Indians, one mw K°°”° mile square of land for each of the halfibreeds of the Kansas nation named in the said sixth article, which land has been surveyed and allotted to each of the said ha.lf—breeds in the order in which they are named in, and in accordance with, the provisions of the said sixth article of said treaty: therefore, Be it enacted ky the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of Anwrica in Oongous assembled, That all the title, interest and thezfggg estate of the United States is hereby vested in the said reservees who are gs mgdg wv8S;;,, now living, to the land reserved, set apart and allotted to them respectively ¤*¤>¤‘¢S¤¤¢¤¤,&¤· by the said sixth article of said treaty; and in case any of the said reservees named in the said sixth article are deceased and leaving heirs, then all the title, interest or estate of the United States to the land allotted to such deceased reservees, is hereby vested and confirmed in such persons as shall by the Secretary of the Interior be decided to be the heirs of such deceased reservees: but, nothing herein contained shall be construed to give any force, efficacy or binding effect to any contract, in writing or otherwise, for the sale or disposition of any lands named in this act, heretofore made by any of said reservees or their heirs. Sec. 2. And be it furlfocr enacted, That in case of any of the reservees L””d‘ °f Q: now living, or the heirs of any deceased reservees,sha.ll not desire to reside £§°;m; upon, or occupy the lands to which such reservces or such heirs are ¤¤s<+¤,¤;¤d intentitled by the provisions of this act., the Secretary of the Interior, when :];‘;$m*f€;;““° requested by them or either of them so to do, is hereby authorized to sell ° such lands belonging to those so requesting him, for the benefit. of such reservees, or such heirs; and the Secretary of the Interior is also autho1·· ized to sell, with the assent of the Kansas nation of Indians the lands