Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/821

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THIRTY-SEVENT H CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 99. 1863. 791 For the general incidental expenses af the Indian service in Oregon Indian serving and Washington Territory, including insurance and transportation of i¤ O¤‘?z¤¤ Md annuity goods and presents, (where no special provision therefor is made W”h‘“g°°“* by treaties,) and 0Ece travelling expenses of the superintendent and sub-agents, thirty-Eve thousand dollars. For defraying the expenses of the removal and subsistence of Indians in Oregon and Washington Territory, (not parties to any treaty,) and for pay of necessary employees, fifty thousand dollars. Indian Service in Nevada Territory. -— For the general incidental ex- in New Te; penses of the Indian service in Nevada Territory, presents of goods, agri- fif¤¤'Y· cultural implements, and other useful articles, and to assist them to locate in permanent abodes, and sustain themselves by the pursuits of civilized life, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, twenty-five thousand dollars. Indian Service in Mah Ybrritorjy.- For the general iucidental ex- in Utah Terripenses of the Indian service in Utah Territory, presents of goods, agricul- WY, tural implements, and other useful articles, and to assist them to locate in permanent abodes and sustain themselves by the pursuits of civilized life, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, twenty-five thousand dollars. For three interpreters for Indian service in Utah Territory, one thousand five hundred dollars. Indian Service in Colorado Territory. -—- For the general incidental in Colorado expenses of the Indian service in Colorado Territory, presents of goods, T°'*‘i*°".Y· agricultural implements, and other useful articles, and to assist them to locate in permanent abodes and sustain themselves by the pursuits of civilized life, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, twenty-five thousand dollars. Omahas. -—~ For assistant engineer for mill, six hundred dollars. Omaha;. For pay of assistant miller, three hundred dollars. For payment to Tab-sab, or White Cow, an Omaha chief, for horses Tab-ssh. killed by white settlers, six. hundred and thirty dollars. For payment of admitted claims of S. C. Webber and J. J. Miller for 8- G- W¤bl>f¤ labor in erection of mill on the Omaha reservation, six hundred and fifty- °“d J' J' Mm"' eight dollars and fifty cents. For amount required to reimburse the Blackfoot and other Indians in T0 r¢pl¤§<=¤ dry goods, clothing, hardware, and guns, which were lost in shipment in §3';g?n;°°;f"ltg`° the burning of the steamer Chippewa, fourteen thousand four hundred steamer "Chipand four dollars andsevemy-seven cents. P°*”·" Arapahoe: and Oheyenm Indians of the Upper Arkansas River.- For A¤‘¤p¤h<><? wd third of Hfieen instalments of annuity of thirty thousand dollars to be ex- g;;;{°‘;;?ih°°{JP_ pended for their benefit, that is to say: fifteen thousand dollars per annum gr Arkansas for each tribe, commencing with the year in which they shall remove to' “’°"· and settle upon their reservations, thirty thousand dollars. PM, 9-1165- For first of five instalments to provide the said Indians with 2. mill suitable for sawing timber and grinding grain, one or more mechanics’ shops, with the necessary tools for the same, and dwelling-houses for an interpreter, miller, engineer for the mill, (if one be necessary,) farmers, and the mechanics that may be employed for their benefit, five thousand dollars. ` For transpormtiou and necessary expenses of delivering of annuities, goods, and provisions, Eve thousand dollars. For survey and allotment of lands for the Arapahoe and Cheyenne In- I gurvgy gd gk dians, ten thousand dollars. ° W 0 an For the expenses of colonizing, supporting, and furnishing agricultural implements, teams, seeds, pay of necessary employees, purchase of medicines, iron and steel for the establishment of blacksmith and tin shops for those Indians with whom treaties have been made, but not ratified, in Oregon, ten thousand dollars.