Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/875

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LIST OF THE PRIVATE ACTS OF CONGRESS. xiii Paw Robert Small and others. Haz!" of the Value of the Steamer “PIanter" to be apportioned among. An wot for the benefit o Robert Small and others. May 30, 1862, ch. 87 . 904 John Goulding may applyfm Renewal and Extension ofPazent. An act for the relief of John Gouldmg. May 30, 1862, ch. 88 ... . 904: Homes M. Eeskell, to be credited with certain Goods lost. An act for the relief of Horace M. Hieskell, a. paymaster in the United States Navy. May 30, 1862, ch. 89 .. 905 Robert Brent. An act for the reciprocal extinguishment of certain claims between the United States and the representatives of Robert Brent, deceased. June 11, 1862, eh. 100. .. 905 Ulysses S. Grant, Allowance for loss by T/lg'! to be made to, in sdlling Accounts. An act for the relief of Lieutenant Ulysses S. Grant. June 17, 1862, ch. 106. ... 905 Oliver Spencer Wood, Accounts cy} to be settled equitably, and Allowance mode. An act for the relief of Oliver Spencer Wood. June 17, 1862, ch. 107 . . ... . .. 905 Edward Harte, Payment to Mdw of An act for the relief of Rose M. Harte, widow of Edward Harte. June 19, 1862, ch. 113 .. . .. , ... . .. 906 Su_#'grer| by Burning of Washington Infinnary, Payment to cenain. An act for the relief of the suii ferers by the burning of the Washington Infirmary on the night of November 3, 1861. June 19, 1862, ch. 114 . . .. 906 Mram Paulding, Payment to, if Expenses of Law-Suit. An act for the relief of Commodore Hiram Paulding. June 20, 862, ch. 117 . . . . . . .. . . . . . 906 Bennevdle Y Shelley, Payment to. An act to pay B. Y. Shelley for his claim and improvements taken irom him by the Omaha reservation in the Territory of Nebraska. June 20, 1862, ch. 118 . 906 Lawrence P. M Landrum. An act granting a pension to Lawrence P. N. Landrum, of Taylor County, Kentucky. July 2, 1862, oh. 181 .. . . . ... _ .. 90 7 Panama Railroad Company, Payment l0,fo1‘ Transportation. An act for the relief of the president and directors of the Panama Railroad Company. July 2, 1862, ch. 132 ... . ... 907 J W. Mya, Pa ment to for Horses, ;§·c., or Ilwenty-eight/z Congress, and Damages for determining a Lease. gin act lor the relief of W. Nye. July 5, 1862, ch. 136 907 Joseph G. Totten, Payment to. An act for the relief of Brigadier-General Joseph G. Totten. July 6, 1862, c . 187 ... . . 908 D. G. Farragut, Payment zo. An act for the relief of D. G. Farragut. July 11, 1862, ch. 152. . 908 Louisa Abeit Byrne, Pension to. An act for the relief of Louisa Abert Byrne. July 11, 1862, 908 cb. 53 . ... · . Fanny Maictier Smith, Pension to. An act for the relief of Fanny Mactier Smith. July 12, 1862, ch. 162 . . ... 908 Hugh H Howard. An act grantin an invalid pension to Hugh H. Howard, of Hockingport, State of Ohio. July 14, 1862 ch. 176 ... _ .. 908 Robert M. Evans, Acoow1ts_ofto be ruyusted. An act for the relief of Robert M. Evans. July 16, 1862, cli. 191 909 Etienne Bemot. George Somerville Nomls. An act to confirm and establish a patent heretofore granted to Etienne Bemot, dated July twenty-four, eighteen hundred and six?, and to secure to George Somerville Norris, the assignee of said patent, the benefit 0 the full term for which said patent was granted. July 16, 1862, eh. 192 .. 909 Margaret Bailey. An act to secure one month’s pay and pension to Margaret Nailey; widow of George B. Bailey, Lientena.ntrColonel in the Ninth Regiment of Virginia olunteers. July 1B,1862,ch.193. . ... ... .. .. 909 James N Muller, Accounts to be settled and Payment made to. An act for the relief: of James N. Muller, supervising inspector of steam oats for the third supervising district. July 16, 1862, ch. 194 . . . . .. ... . ... 910 PRIVATE RESOLUTIONS. No. 17. William H Nobles, Payment to, as Superintendent of Wagon Road. A resolution for the relief of William H. Nobles. March 8, 1862 ... 911 No. 31. Marshall O. Roberts. A resolution in relation to the claim of Marshall O. Roberts for the loss of the steamer “Star of the West." May 20, 1862 . 911 No. 33. Thomas B. Graham. A resolution to coniirm the opinion of the court of claims adverse to the claim of Thomas B. Graham. May 21, 1862 . 911 Ne. 45. C. J. Jenkins and W. W. Mann. Joint resolution to confirm the adverse decision of