Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/971

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THIRTY—SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. RES. 40-43. 1863. 925 And that the said several claimants and mses be included, and the said uses of Pay. geveral sums be paid in the same manner as if said cases and awards had ¤¤¤¤*· been regularly reported by said commissioners. Approved, March 3, 1863. [N0. Joint %olution relative to the Claim of W'. Mhzrwell Wood. March 8, 1863. Resolved by tbe Senate and House in Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the All<>w¤¤<=<= to Nat·y be authorized to allow to Surgeon William Maxwell Wood, the ]¥;,°¥]’g,l`]°;]v°1 mileage that would be legally due to him on his return from the East l Indies under orders given him by Commodore Armstrong, January twenty- nine, eighteen hundred and fifty-eight. Approved, March 3, 1863. [N0. 41.] Joint Resolution tooorfirm the adverse Decision of the Court of Claims in the Much 3, 1863. Case of Brig. General Armstrong. it Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the adverse decision of D°°l"l‘;‘. the Court of Claims in the case of Brigadier-General Armstrong be, and A:§_ the same is hereby, confirmed. strong count-med Approved, March 3, 1863. [No. Joint Resolution to confirm the adverse Decision of the Court cy" Claims in the March 3, 1863 Case of R. R. Ward and others, Assignws of Jacob Barker. """"_'—` Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United _ _ States of America in Congress assembled, That the adverse decision of K gig'?'? R the Court of Claims in the case of R. R. Ward and others, assignees of vbm ,md`0u{m Jacob Barker, be. and the same is hereby, confirmed. ¢=¢>¤6¤‘¤¤<>d· Approved, March 3, 1863. [N0. 48.] Joint Resolution authorizing the Aayustment g the Account of Z B. Caverly, March 3, 1863. late Secretary of Legatwn at Peru, for ss by Exchange. Resolved by the Senate and House bpf Rlipresentatives of the United States of America in Congress assem ed, hat the proper accounting 3%*:::3* ZE oflicers of the treasury be, and they are hereby, authorized and required ,,,{j,,,,,e,,_y to adjust the account of Z. B. Caverly, late secretary of legation at Peru, for loss by exchange, upon the same principle and evidence as governed the adjustment of a like account of John Randolph Clay, late minister to Peru, under the joint resolution of Congress, approved February twenty-rst, eighteen hundred and sixty-one. Approved, March 3, 1863.