Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/12

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xi i LISTOFPUB LI C L AW S PUBLIC L AWD A TE PA G E 1 1 0–29 1 . ... Over-th e- RoadBusT ra n s p ortat i on Ac cessi b i l it y Act o f 200 7 . J uly 3 0 , 200 8 ..... 291 5 110–292 .... To na m e the D epartment of V eterans Affairs outpatient clinic in P once, Puerto Rico, as the ‘ ‘ E uripides Rubio De- partment of Veterans Affairs Outpatient C linic ’ ’. July 30, 2008 ..... 2917 110–293 .... Tom L antos and H enry J. Hyde U nited S tates G lobal Leadership A g ainst H I V / AIDS, Tuberculosis, and M a- laria Reauthori z ation Act of 2008. July 30, 2008 ..... 2918 110–29 4 .... To authorize the Ed w ard Byrne Memorial Justice Assist- ance Grant Program at fiscal year 200 6 levels through 2012. July 30, 2008 ..... 2971 110–295 .... DTV Transition Assistance Act ............................................. July 30, 2008 ..... 2972 110–296 .... Criminal History Bac k ground Checks Pilot E x tension Act of 2008. July 30, 2008 ..... 2974 110–297 .... Soboba Band of Luisen ˜ o Indians Settlement Act ................ July 31, 2008 ..... 2975 110–298 .... Law Enforcement Congressional Badge of Bravery Act of 2008. July 31, 2008 ..... 2985 110–299 .... To clarify the circumstances during which the Adminis- trator of the Environmental Protection Agency and ap- plicable States may re q uire permits for discharges from certain vessels, and to require the Administrator to con- duct a study of discharges incidental to the normal op- eration of vessels. July 31, 2008 ..... 2995 110–300 .... To temporarily extend the programs under the Higher Education Act of 1965. July 31, 2008 ..... 2998 110–301 .... Libyan Claims Resolution Act ............................................... Aug. 4, 2008 ....... 2999 110–302 .... To designate the Department of Veterans Affairs out- patient clinic in W enatchee, Washington, as the Elwood ‘‘Bud’’ Link Department of Veterans Affairs Outpatient Clinic. Aug. 12, 2008 ..... 3003 110–303 .... To designate the facility of the United States Postal Serv- ice located at 401 Washington Avenue in Weldon, N orth Carolina, as the ‘‘Dock M. Brown Post Office Building’’. Aug. 12, 2008 ..... 3004 110–304 .... To name the Department of Veterans Affairs medical cen- ter in Miami, F lorida, as the ‘‘Bruce W. Carter Depart- ment of Veterans Affairs Medical Center’’. Aug. 12, 2008 ..... 3005 110–305 .... To designate the facility of the United States Postal Serv- ice located at 120 South Del Mar Avenue in San Ga- briel, California, as the ‘‘Chi Mui Post Office Building’’. Aug. 12, 2008 ..... 3006 110–306 .... To designate the facility of the United States Postal Serv- ice located at 10449 White Granite Drive in Oakton, Virginia, as the ‘‘Private First Class David H. Sharrett II Post Office Building’’. Aug. 12, 2008 ..... 3007 110–307 .... To designate the facility of the United States Postal Serv- ice located at 1155 Seminole Trail in Charlottesville, Virginia, as the ‘‘Corporal Bradley T. Arms Post Office Building’’. Aug. 12, 2008 ..... 3008 110–308 .... To designate the facility of the United States Postal Serv- ice located at 219 East Main Street in West Frankfort, Illinois, as the ‘‘ K enneth James Gray Post Office Build- ing’’. Aug. 12, 2008 ..... 3009 110–309 .... To designate the facility of the United States Postal Serv- ice located at 42222 Rancho Las Palmas Drive in Ran- cho Mirage, California, as the ‘‘Gerald R. Ford Post Of- fice Building’’. Aug. 12, 2008 ..... 3010 110–310 .... To designate the facility of the United States Postal Serv- ice located at 14500 Lorain Avenue in Cleveland, Ohio, as the ‘‘John P. Gallagher Post Office Building’’. Aug. 12, 2008 ..... 3011 110–311 .... To designate the Federal building and United States courthouse located at 300 Q uarropas Street in White Plains, New Y ork, as the ‘‘Charles L. Brieant, Jr., Fed- eral Building and United States Courthouse’’. Aug. 12, 2008 ..... 3012