Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/1772

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12 2 STA T . 1 749PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 24 6—J U NE 1 8, 2008 (B)provides o th er se cu rit ya ccepta bl etothe S ecretary

a n d ( 3 ) allo w a borrower , upon the approval o f the Secretary, to define a subparcel of real estate as security for the stora g e facility loan if the subparcel is — ( A )ofade q uate si z e and value to adequately secure the loan; and (B) not sub j ect to any other liens or m ortgages that are superior to the lien interest of the C ommodity Credit Corporation .SEC.16 1 5 .S TA TE , C OUN T Y ,AN D A R EA CO M M I TTEES. Section 8 (b)( 5 )(B)(ii) of the Soil Conservation and D omestic Allotment Act ( 16U .S.C. 5 90 h(b)(5)(B)(ii)) is amended— (1) by redesignating subclauses ( I ) and (II) as items (aa) and (bb), respectively, and indenting appropriately; ( 2 ) in the matter preceding item (aa) (as redesignated by paragraph (1)), by stri k ing ‘ ‘A committee established ’ ’ and inserting the following

‘‘(I) I NGE NE RAL .— Ex cept as provided in sub - clause (II), a committee established’’; and (3) by adding at the end the following: ‘‘(II) C OMBI NA T ION OR C ON S OLI D ATION O F AREAS.—A committee established by combining or consolidating 2 or more county or area committees shall consist of not fewer than 3 nor more than 11 members that— ‘‘(aa) are fairly representative of the agri- cultural producers within the area covered by the county, area, or local committee; and ‘‘(bb) are elected by the agricultural pro- ducers that participate or cooperate in pro- grams administered within the area under the jurisdiction of the county, area, or local com- mittee. ‘‘(III) R E P RESENTATION OF SOCIALL Y DISAD V AN- TAGED FARMERS AND RANC H ERS.— T he Secretary shall develop procedures to maintain representa- tion of socially disadvantaged farmers and ranchers on combined or consolidated committees. ‘‘(I V ) ELIGIBILITY FOR MEMBERSHIP.— N otwith- standing any other producer eligibility require- ments for service on county or area committees, if a county or area is consolidated or combined, a producer shall be eligible to serve only as a member of the county or area committee that the producer elects to administer the farm records of the producer.’’. SEC. 1616. P RO H I B ITION ON CHAR G ING CERTAIN F EES. P ublic L aw 108 –47 0 (7 U.S.C. 7416a) is amended— (1) in subsection (a), by striking ‘‘may’’ and inserting ‘‘shall’’; and (2) by adding at the end the following: ‘‘(c) PROHIBITION ON CHARGING CERTAIN F EES.—The Secretary may not charge any fees or related costs for the collection of com- modity assessments pursuant to this Act.’’. Procedu re s.