Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/2238

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12 2 STA T . 221 5PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 2 46—J U NE 1 8, 2008 ‘ ‘ (3)AUTHORIZA TIO N O F A P PROPRIATION S.—Ther e a re a ut h o r iz e d to b ea p propriated s u c hsu m sasare n ecessar y to carry out this subsection f or each of fisca l years 20 0 9 throu g h 20 1 2. ’ ’. (b) C ONFOR M IN G AM E N D MENT.— S ection 29 6 (b) of the D epart - ment of Agriculture R eorganization Act of 199 4 ( 7U .S.C. 7014(b)) , as amended by section 7 5 11(b), is further amended— (1) in paragraph (5), by stri k ing ‘‘

or’’ and inserting ‘‘;’’; (2) in paragraph (6), by striking the period and inserting ‘‘; or’’; and (3) by adding at the end the follo w ing new paragraph

‘‘(7) the authority of the Secretary to establish in the Department the O ffice of Ad v ocacy and Outreach in accordance with section 226 B .’’. Subti t leB—Agr i c ultur a l Securit ySEC.14 1 0 1.S HORT T I T L E. This subtitle may be cited as the ‘‘Agricultural Security I mprovement Act of 200 8 ’’. SEC. 1410 2 . D E F I N ITIONS. In this subtitle: (1) AGENT.—The term ‘‘agent’’ means a nuclear, biological, chemical, or radiological substance that causes agricultural dis- ease or the adulteration of products regulated by the Secretary of Agriculture under any provision of law. (2) AGRI C U L TURAL B IOSECURIT Y .—The term ‘‘agricultural biosecurity’’ means protection from an agent that poses a threat to— (A) plant or animal health; (B) public health as it relates to the adulteration of products regulated by the Secretary of Agriculture under any provision of law that is caused by e x posure to an agent; or (C) the environment as it relates to agriculture facili- ties, farmland, and air and water within the immediate vicinity of an area associated with an agricultural disease or outbreak. (3) AGRICULTURAL COUNTERMEASURE.—The term ‘‘agricul- tural countermeasure’’— (A) means a product, practice, or technology that is intended to enhance or maintain the agricultural biosecu- rity of the United States; and (B) does not include a product, practice, or technology used solely in response to a human medical incident or public health emergency not related to agriculture. (4) AGRICULTURAL DISEASE.—The term ‘‘agricultural dis- ease’’ has the meaning given the term by the Secretary. (5) AGRICULTURAL DISEASE EMERGENCY.—The term ‘‘agri- cultural disease emergency’’ means an incident of agricultural disease that re q uires prompt action to prevent significant dam- age to people, plants, or animals. (6) AGROTERRORIST ACT.—The term ‘‘agroterrorist act’’ means an act that— (A) causes or attempts to cause— 7USC8901.Agricult ur a l S e curit yImp r ov eme n t Act o f2 008. 7 USC 8901 note.