Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/2420

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12 2 STA T . 2 397PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 2 5 2 —J U NE 30 , 200 8TI T LE I XD E F E NS E MA TTE R S CH A P TER 1 DEFENSE S U PPLEMENTAL APPR O PRIATIONS FOR FISCAL Y EAR 20 0 8 DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE — MILITARY MILITARY PERSONNEL M IL I TARY P E R SON NEL , AR M Y F oran a d d it iona l a m o u nt f or ‘ ‘Militar y P e r s onnel, Army ’ ’, $ 12,21 6 , 7 1 5 ,000 . MILITARY PERSONNEL, NA V Y For an additional amount for ‘‘Military Personnel, Na v y’’, $8 94 ,185,000. MILITARY PERSONNEL, MARINE COR P S For an additional amount for ‘‘Military Personnel, Marine Cor p s’’, $1,826,688,000. MILITARY PERSONNEL, AIR FOR C E For an additional amount for ‘‘Military Personnel, Air For c e’’, $1, 3 55,544,000. RESERVE PERSONNEL, ARMY For an additional amount for ‘‘Reserve Personnel, Army’’, $304,200,000. RESERVE PERSONNEL, NAVY For an additional amount for ‘‘Reserve Personnel, Navy’’, $72,800,000. RESERVE PERSONNEL, MARINE CORPS For an additional amount for ‘‘Reserve Personnel, Marine Corps’’, $16,720,000. RESERVE PERSONNEL, AIR FORCE For an additional amount for ‘‘Reserve Personnel, Air Force’’, $5,000,000. NATIONAL GU AR D PERSONNEL, ARMY For an additional amount for ‘‘National Guard Personnel, Army’’, $1,369,747,000.