Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/27

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12 2 STA T .4PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 1 8 1 —J A N .28 , 2008 Sec.1 1 3 . Multiy e arp r o cure m e n t aut h ority f or con v er s ion of CH–47D helicopters to CH–47 F confi g uration. Sec. 114. Multiyear procurement authority for CH–47F helicopters. Sec. 11 5 . L imitation on use of fun d s for I ncrement 1 of the W arfighter Information N et w or k-T actical program pending certification to Congress. Sec. 11 6 . P rohi b ition on closure of A rmy Tactical Missile System production line pending report. Sec. 117. Stryker Mobile G un System. Subtitle C — Navy Programs Sec. 1 2 1. Multiyear procurement authority for V irginia-class submarine program. Sec. 122. R eport on shipbuilding investment strategy. Sec. 123. Sense of Congress on the preservation of a skilled U nited States shipyard workforce. Sec. 124. Assessments re q uired prior to start of construction on first ship of a ship- building program. Sec. 125. Littoral Combat Ship ( LCS ) program. Subtitle D—Air Force Programs Sec. 131. Limitation on J oint Cargo Aircraft. Sec. 132. Clarification of limitation on retirement of U–2 aircraft. Sec. 133. Repeal of requirement to maintain retired C–13 0E tactical aircraft. Sec. 134. Limitation on retirement of C–130E / H tactical airlift aircraft. Sec. 135. Limitation on retirement of K C–135E aerial refueling aircraft. Sec. 136. Transfer to Government of Iraq of three C–130E tactical airlift aircraft. Sec. 137. Modification of limitations on retirement of B –52 bomber aircraft. TITLE II—RESEARCH , DEVEL O PMENT, TEST, AND EVALUATION Subtitle A—Authori z ation of Appropriations Sec. 201. Authorization of appropriations. Sec. 202. Amount for defense science and technology. Subtitle B—Program Requirements, Restrictions, and Limitations Sec. 211. Operational test and evaluation of Future Combat Systems network. Sec. 212. Limitation on use of funds for systems development and demonstration of Joint Light Tactical Vehicle program. Sec. 213. Requirement to obligate and e x pend funds for development and procure- ment of a competitive propulsion system for the Joint Strike Fighter. Sec. 214. Limitation on use of funds for defense-wide manufacturing science and technology program. Sec. 215. Advanced Sensor Applications Program. Sec. 216. Active protection systems. Subtitle C—Ballistic Missile Defense Sec. 221. Participation of Director, Operational Test and Evaluation, in missile de- fense test and evaluation activities. Sec. 222. Study on future roles and missions of the Missile Defense Agency. Sec. 223. Budget and acquisition requirements for Missile Defense Agency activi- ties. Sec. 224. Limitation on use of funds for replacing warhead on SM–3 Block IIA mis- sile. Sec. 225. Extension of Comptroller General assessments of ballistic missile defense programs. Sec. 226. Limitation on availability of funds for procurement, construction, and de- ployment of missile defenses in Europe. Sec. 227. Sense of Congress on missile defense cooperation with Israel. Sec. 22 8 . Limitation on availability of funds for deployment of missile defense interceptors in Alaska. Sec. 22 9 . Policy of the United States on protection of the United States and its al- lies against Iranian ballistic missiles. Subtitle D—Other Matters Sec. 231. Coordination of human systems integration activities related to acquisi- tion programs. Sec. 232. Expansion of authority for provision of laboratory facilities, services, and equipment. Sec. 233. Modification of cost-sharing requirement for Technology Transition Initia- tive. Sec. 234. Report on implementation of Manufacturing Technology Program.