Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/3009

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12 2 STA T . 2 986PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 298 —J UL Y3 1 , 2008 (7)STA T E A NDLOC AL B OA R D .—Thet e rm‘ ‘St a tea ndLoc a lB oard ’ ’ mean s the State and Local La wE n f orcement C on g res - s i onal Badge of Bra v er y Board esta b lished u nder section 203 (a). ( 8 ) STATE AND LOCAL BOARD M EMBER S .—The term ‘‘State and Local Board members’’ means the members of the State and Local Board a p pointed under section 203(c). ( 9 ) STATE AND LOCAL LA W EN F ORCEMENT BAD G E.—The term ‘‘State and Local Law Enforcement Badge’’ means the State and Local Law Enforcement Congressional Badge of Bravery described in section 20 1 . (10) STATE OR LOCAL AGENC YH EAD.—The term ‘‘State or local agency head’’ means the head of any e x ecutive , legislative, or j udicial branch entity of a State or local government that employs State or local law enforcement officers. (11) STATE OR LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT OFF I CER.—The term ‘‘State or local law enforcement officer’’ means an employee of a State or local government— ( A ) who has statutory authority to ma k e arrests or apprehensions

(B) who is authori z ed by the agency of the employee to carry firearms; and (C) whose duties are primarily— (i) engagement in or supervision of the prevention, detection, investigation, or prosecution of, or the incar- ceration of any person for, any violation of law; or (ii) the protection of F ederal, State, local, or foreign government officials against threats to personal safety. TI T LE I —F E D E RA LLA W E N F O R C E M ENT CON G RE S SIONAL B ADGE OF BRA V ER YSEC.10 1. AUTHORIZ ATIO N O F A B A DG E. The Attorney G eneral may award, and a M ember of Congress or the Attorney General may present, in the name of Congress a Federal Law Enforcement Congressional Badge of Bravery to a Federal law enforcement officer who is cited by the Attorney General, upon the recommendation of the Federal Board, for per- forming an act of bravery while in the line of duty. SEC. 10 2 .NO M INATIONS. (a) I N GENERAL.—A Federal agency head may nominate for a Federal Law Enforcement Badge an individual— (1) who is a Federal law enforcement officer working within the agency of the Federal agency head making the nomination; and (2) who— (A)(i) sustained a physical injury while— (I) engaged in the lawful duties of the indi- vidual; and (II) performing an act characterized as bravery by the Federal agency head making the nomina- tion; and (ii) put the individual at personal risk when the injury described in clause (i) occurred; or 42USC15 242 . 42 USC 15241.