Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/3532

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12 2 STA T .3509PUBLIC LA W 110 – 31 6— AU G .1 4, 200 8PublicLaw1 1 0–3 1 6 110 thCongres s A n Act Toamendth e F ede r a l Food ,D r ug , and C o s met icA cttore v ise and e x tend the animal drug user f ee p rogram, to esta b lish a program of fees relating to generic ne w animal drugs, to ma k e certain technical corrections to the Food and Drug Administration Amendments Act of 20 0 7 , and for other purposes .Beit e nac te dby t h e S enate and Hous eo fR e pr esentati v es of the U nited States of Am erica in C on g ress assemb l ed ,SECTION1. T ABL EO F CONTENTS. Thetabl e ofc o n tent s of th i s A ct is as follo w s


ec. 1 . Table of contents. Sec. 2. R eferences in Act. T I T LE I — A N I M AL DR UG USER FEE AMENDMENTS Sec. 101. Short title

finding. Sec. 102. Definitions. Sec. 10 3 . Authorit y to assess and use animal drug fees. Sec. 10 4 . Reauthori z ation; reporting re q uirements. Sec. 10 5 . Antimicrobial animal drug distribution reports. Sec. 10 6 . Savings clause. Sec. 107. Effective date. Sec. 10 8 . Sunset dates. TITLE II—ANIMAL GENERIC DRUG USER FEE Sec. 201. Short title; findings. Sec. 202. Fees relating to abbreviated applications for generic new animal drugs. Sec. 203. Accountability and reports. Sec. 204. Sunset dates. TITLE III—TEC H NICAL C O RRECTIONS TO FDAAA Sec. 301. Consideration of certain petitions. Sec. 302. Registry and results data bank. SEC. 2 . R EFERENCES IN ACT. Ex ce p t as othe r wise specifie d, a m endments made b y this Act to a section or other pro v ision of law are amendments to s u ch section or other provision of the F ederal Food, D ru g , and C osmetic Act (21U.S .C. 30 1etse q . ) . TI T LE I —AN I M AL DRUG U S ER F EE AMENDMENTS SEC. 1 0 1.S H ORT TITLE

FIN D IN G . (a) S HORT T I T LE . — This title may be cited as the ‘ ‘Animal Drug User Fee Amendments of 200 8’ ’. (b) FI ND IN G .—Congress finds that the fees authori z ed by the amendments made in this title will be dedicated toward expediting 21USC379j– 11 note. 21USC3 0 1 note. A n imalDrug U s er F ee Amen d ments o f 200 8 . Aug. 1 4, 2008 [H . R . 6 432 ]