Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/4669

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12 2 STA T .46 46 PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 41 7—O CT. 14 , 200 8maybe ma d e usingth e auth or ity p ro v ided in paragraph (1) on l ya f ter — ( A ) the S e c retary submits to C ongress notification of the intent to do so together w ith a complete discussion of the j ustification for doing so

and ( B )1 5 days have elapsed following the date of the notification .TI T LEX I V—O T H E RAU THORI Z ATIO NSSubti t leA—M ilit aryP r og ra ms Se c.140 1. W or k i n gca p ital f un d s. Sec. 140 2 . N ational D efense Sealift F und. Sec. 140 3 . Defense H ealt h Program. Sec. 1404. C hemical agents and munitions destruction , defense. Sec. 140 5 . Drug I nterdiction and Counter - Drug Acti v ities, Defense- w ide. Sec. 140 6 . Defense Inspector G eneral. Sec. 140 7 . National Defense Sealift Fund amendments. Subtitle B —National Defense Stockpile Sec. 1411. Authori z ed uses of National Defense Stockpile funds. Sec. 1412. R evisions to previously authorized disposals from the National Defense Stockpile. Subtitle C—Armed Forces Retirement Home Sec. 1421. Authorization of appropriations for Armed Forces Retirement Home. S ubti t le A— M ilit aryP r og ra msSEC.140 1. WORKING C AP I T A LFU N D S. F unds are hereby authori z ed to be appropriated for fiscal year 20 0 9 for the use of the Armed Forces and other activities and agencies of the D epartment of Defense for providing capital for wor k ing capital and revolving funds in amounts as follows

(1) For the Defense W orking Capital Funds ,$ 19 8 ,150,000. (2) For the Defense Working Capital Fund, Defense Com - missary, $1,291,08 4 ,000. SEC. 140 2 . NATIONAL DEFENSE SEALIFT FUND. Funds are hereby authorized to be appropriated for fiscal year 2009 for the N ational Defense Sealift Fund in the amount of $1, 6 08,5 7 2,000. SEC. 140 3 . DEFENSE H EALTH PROGRA M . (a) A UTHORIZA TIO N O F A P PROPRIATION S .—Funds are hereby authorized to be appropriated for the Department of Defense for fiscal year 2009 for e x penses, not otherwise provided for, for the Defense H ealth P rogram, in the amount of $24,966,917,000, of which— (1) $24,467,074,000 is for O peration and M aintenance; (2) $195,9 3 8,000 is for R esearch, Development, T est, and E valuation; and (3) $303,905,000 is for Procurement. (b) SOUR CE OF CERTAIN FUN D S.—Of the amount available under subsection (a), $1,300,000,000 shall, to the extent provided in advance in an Act making appropriations for fiscal year 2009, be available by transfer from the National Defense Stockpile Trans- action Fund established under subsection (a) of section 9 of the Strategic and Critical Materials Stock Piling Act (50 U .S.C. 98h).