Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/4871

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12 2 STA T .48 48 PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 4 3 2 —O CT. 1 6, 2008 PublicLaw1 1 0–432 110 thCongres s A n Act Toamendti t l e 49,U nited S tate sC ode, to pr e v ent railroad f atalities, in ju ries, and h a z ardous materials releases, to authorize the F ederal R ailroad Safet yA dmin - istration, and for other purposes .Beit e nac te dby t h e S enate and Hous eo fR e pr esentati v es of the U nited States of Am erica in C on g ress assemb l ed ,DIV I S I ONA—R AI L SA FETYSEC.1 .S HORT T I T L E

T AB LEO F CO N TENTS; A M EN D MENT OF TITLE 49 . (a)SHORTTI T LE.— T hisd i v isi onm a ybec i t ed as the ‘ ‘ R ai l Sa f ety I m pr ovement A ct of 20 0 8’ ’. (b) T AB LEO FC O N TENT S .—The table of contents for this division is as follo w s

Se c . 1 . Short title

ta b le of contents; amendment of title 49. Sec. 2 . D efinitions. Sec. 3 . Authorization of appropriations. T I T LE I — RAILR O AD SAFET Y I MP RO V EME N TS Sec. 1 0 1. Federal Railroad Administration officers and duties. Sec. 102. Railroad safety strate g y. Sec. 103. Railroad safety ris k reduction program. Sec. 104. Implementation of positive train control. Sec. 10 5 . Railroad safety technology grants. Sec. 10 6 . Reports on statutory mandates and recommendations. Sec. 10 7 . Rulemaking process. Sec. 10 8 . H ours-of-service reform. Sec. 109. Protection of railroad safety risk analyses information. Sec. 110. Pilot projects. TITLE II—HI G H W AY-RAIL GRADE CROSSING AND PEDESTRIAN SAFETY AND TRESPASSER PREVENTION Sec. 201. Pedestrian crossing safety. Sec. 202. State action plans. Sec. 203. Improvements to sight distance at high w ay-rail grade crossings. Sec. 204. National crossing inventory. Sec. 205. Telephone number to report grade crossing problems. Sec. 206. Operation Lifesaver. Sec. 207. Federal grants to States for highway-rail grade crossing safety. Sec. 208. Trespasser prevention and highway-rail grade crossing safety. Sec. 209. Accident and incident reporting. Sec. 210. Fostering introduction of new technology to improve safety at highway- rail grade crossings. TITLE III—FEDERAL RAILROAD ADMINISTRATION Sec. 301. Human capital increases. Sec. 302. Civil penalty increases. Sec. 303. Enforcement report. 49USC201 01 note.Rail Sa f et yImpr o v ement Ac t of 200 8 . O ct. 1 6, 2008 [H .R. 209 5]