Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/4900

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12 2 STA T .487 7 PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 4 3 2 —O CT. 1 6, 2008 ‘ ‘ (6)Imple me nta t io no f ne wcr o s sin g safet y tec h nology will re qu ire e x tensi v e cooperation b etween highway authorities an d railroad carriers . ‘‘( 7 ) F ederal R ailroad A dministration regulations estab - lishing performance standards for processor-based signal and train control systems provide a suitable framewor k for qualifica- tion of new or novel technology at highway-rail grade crossings , and the Federal H ighway Administration ’ s M anual on U niform T raffic C ontrol D evices provides an appropriate means of deter- mining highway user interface with such new technology. ‘‘(b) POLICY . — It is the policy of the United S tates to encourage the development of new technology that can prevent loss of life and in j uries at highway-rail grade crossings. The Secretary of Transportation is designated to carry out this policy in consultation with States and necessary public and private entities. ‘‘(c) S UBM I S SIO N O FNEW TEC H NOLO G YP R O P OS A LS.—Railroad carriers and railroad suppliers may submit for review and approval to the Secretary such new technology designed to improve safety at highway-rail grade crossings. The Secretary shall approve by order the new technology designed to improve safety at highway- rail grade crossings in accordance with Federal Railroad Adminis- tration standards for the development and use of processor-based signal and train control systems and shall consider the effects on safety of highway-user interface with the new technology. ‘‘(d) E FFEC T OF SECRETARIAL APPRO V AL.—If the Secretary approves by order new technology to provide warning to highway users at a highway-rail grade crossing and such technology is installed at a highway-rail grade crossing in accordance with the conditions of the approval, this determination preempts any State statute or regulation concerning the adequacy of the technology in providing warning at the crossing.’’. (b) CONFORMING AMEN D MENT.—The chapter analysis for chapter 201 , as amended by section 20 4 of this division, is further amended by inserting after the item relating to section 20160, the following

‘ 2016 1 .Fostering intro duc tion o f ne w tec h no l og y toi mp ro v es a fety at highway - rail grade crossings. ’ ’. TI T LE III —F E D E RA L RAILR O AD AD M I N I S TRATION SEC.301 . HUMAN CA PIT A L INC R EASES. (a) IN G ENERAL.—The Secretary shall increase the number of Federal Railroad Administration employees by— (1) 5 0 employees in fiscal year 200 9; (2) 50 employees in fiscal year 2010; ( 3 ) 50 employees in fiscal year 2011; (4) 25 employees in fiscal year 2012; and (5) 25 employees in fiscal year 2013. (b) FUNCTIONS.—In increasing the number of employees pursu- ant to subsection (a), the Secretary shall focus on hiring employees— (1) specifically trained to conduct on-site railroad and high- way-rail grade crossing accident investigations; (2) to implement the Railroad Safety Strategy;