Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/549

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12 2 STA T .5 2 6PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 1 8 1 —J A N .28 , 2008 (div i s i onB o fPubl i cLaw108–375; 118 St at .2 11 6), t he autho r i z a - tions set forth in the table in subsection (b), as p rovided in section 2 4 01 of that A ct (118 Stat. 2112), shall re m ain in effect until O ctober 1, 2008, or the date of the enactment of an Act authorizin g funds for militar y construction for fiscal year 200 9 , whichever is later. (b) TABLE . — The table referred to in subsection (a) is as follows


e ns e Ag en ci es


ensi o nof 20 0 5Pr o j ect A u t h ori za tions I nsta l lation or L ocation Agenc y an d Project A m ount Nav a lAirSt ati on,Oce ana, V ir g inia . . DL A bu l kf uel s torage tank. $3 , 589 , 0 00 Naval Air Station, J acksonville, F lor - i d a. TM A h os p ital pro j ect ..... $ 2 8, 4 38,000 TI T LEX X V—NOR T HA TLANTI C TREAT Y OR G ANI Z ATION S EC U RITY INVEST -M ENT P ROGRAM Sec. 250 1 . Authori z ed NATO construction and land ac q uisition projects. Sec. 2502. Authorization of appropriations, NATO. SEC.2501 . AUTHORIZ E DN ATO CONSTRUCTION AND L AND AC Q UISI - TION P RO J ECTS. The Secretary of D efense may ma k e contributions for the N orth Atlantic Treaty Organization Security I nvestment Program as pro- vided in section 2806 of title 10, U nited States C ode, in an amount nottoe x ceed the sum of the amount authorized to be appropriated for this purpose in section 2502 and the amount collected from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization as a result of construction previously financed by the United States. SEC. 2502. AUTHORIZATION O F APPROPRIATIONS , NATO. F unds are hereby authorized to be appropriated for fiscal years beginning after September 30, 2007, for contributions by the Sec- retary of Defense under section 2806 of title 10, United States Code, for the share of the United States of the cost of pro j ects for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization Security Investment Program authorized by section 2501, in the amount of $ 201,400,000. TITLE XXVI—GUAR D AND RESERVE F ORCES FACILITIES Sec. 2 6 01. Authorized Ar my National G uard construction and land acquisition projects. Sec. 2602. Authorized Army R eserve construction and land acquisition projects. Sec. 2603. Authorized Navy Reserve and Marine C orps Reserve construction and land acquisition projects. Sec. 2604. Authorized Air National Guard construction and land acquisition projects. Sec. 2605. Authorized Air Force Reserve construction and land acquisition projects. Sec. 2606. Authorization of appropriations, National Guard and Reserve. Sec. 260 7 . Termination of authority to carry out fiscal year 2007 Guard and Re- serve projects for w hich funds were not appropriated. Sec. 2608. Modification of authority to carry out fiscal year 2006 Air Force Reserve construction and acquisition projects.