Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/57

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12 2 STA T .34PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 1 8 1 —J A N .28 , 2008 Subti t leA— Aut hor i za tio n o f A p propriation sSEC.201 . AUTHORIZ ATIO N O F A P PROPRIATIONS. Fundsareh ere by au t h o r iz edtobea p propriated f or fis c a l year 20 0 8 for the use of the D epart m ent of Defense for research , de v elop - ment, test, and evaluation as follo w s


For the A rmy, $ 10,8 4 0, 39 2,000 . (2) For the N avy, $1 6 ,980, 7 32,000. (3) For the Air Force, $2 5 ,692,521,000. (4) For Defense-wide activities, $20,213,900,000, of which $180,264,000 is authorized for the Director of O perational T est and E valuation. SEC. 202. A M OUNT FOR D EFENSE SCIENCE AND TECHNO L O GY . (a) F ISCALYE A R 2008. — Of the amounts authorized to be appro- priated by section 201, $10,913,944,000 shall be available for the Defense S cience and Technolo g y P rogram, including basic research, applied research, and advanced technology development pro j ects. (b) B ASIC R ESEARC H ,A P PLIE D RESEARCH, A N DAD V ANCED TECH- N O LO GY DEVELOP M EN T DE F INED.—For purposes of this section, the term ‘ ‘basic research, applied research, and advanced technology development ’ ’ means wor k funded in program elements for defense research and development under Department of Defense budget activity 1, 2, or 3. Subtitle B — P ro g ra mR e q uirements , Restri c tions, an dL imitations SEC. 211. OPERATIONAL TEST AND E V ALUATION OF FUTURE COM B AT SYSTEMS NET W OR K . (a) OPERATIONAL TEST AND EVAL U ATION RE Q UIRED.—The Sec- retary of the Army, in cooperation with the Director, Operational Test and Evaluation, shall complete an operational test and evalua- tion (as defined in section 139(a)(2)(A) of title 10, U nited States C ode), of the FCS network in a realistic environment simulating operational conditions. The operational test and evaluation shall— (1) be conducted in accordance with a Future Combat Sys- tems Test and Evaluation M aster Plan approved by the Director, Operational Test and Evaluation

(2) be conducted using prototype e q uipment, sensors, and software for the FCS network; (3) be conducted in a manner that simulates a full Future Combat Systems brigade; (4) be conducted, to the ma x imum extent possible, using actual communications equipment instead of computer simula- tions; (5) be conducted in a realistic operational electronic warfare environment, including enemy electronic warfare and network attacks; and (6) include, to the maximum extent possible, all sensor information feeds the FCS network is designed to incorporate. (b) FCS NET W OR K DEFINED.— I n this section, the term ‘‘FCS network’’ includes all sensors, information systems, computers, and