Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/60

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12 2 STA T .37PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 1 8 1 —J A N .28 , 2008 met.Th e prog r a m s ha l l b ee x e cu te d b y the C omma n der ,N a v al Ai r S ystems Command in consultation w ith the P rogram E xecutive Of ficer for Aviation for the Navy. SEC.216 . A C TIV E PRO TECTIO N S Y STE M S. ( a )LIVE-F I R ETE ST S R E QU IRE D . — ( 1 ) ING ENER AL .—The Secretary of D efense shall underta k e live-fire tests, of appropriate foreign and domestic active protec- tion systems with si z e, weight, and power characteristics suit- able for protecting wheeled tactical vehicles, especially light wheeled tactical vehicles, in order— (A) to determine the effectiveness of such systems for protecting wheeled tactical vehicles

and ( B ) to develop information useful in the consideration of the adoption of such systems in defense ac q uisition pro- grams. ( 2 )RE PO RTS.—Not later than M arch1ofeachof2 0 0 8 and 200 9 , the Secretary shall submit to the congressional defense committees a report on the results of the tests under- taken under paragraph (1) as of the date of such report. ( 3 ) FUNDING.—The live-fire tests required by paragraph (1) shall be conducted using funds authorized and appropriated for the J oint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Fund. (b) CO M PRE H ENSIVE ASSESSMENT REQUIRED.— (1) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary shall undertake a com- prehensive assessment of active protection systems in order to develop information useful in the development of j oint active protection systems and other defense programs. (2) ELEMENTS.—The assessment under paragraph (1) shall include— (A) an identification of the potential merits and oper- ational costs of the use of active protection systems by U nited States military forces; (B) a characterization of the threats that use of active protection systems by potential adversaries would pose to United States military forces and weapons; (C) an identification and assessment of counter- measures to active protection systems; (D) an analysis of collateral damage potential of active protection systems; (E) an identification and assessment of emerging direct-fire and top-attack threats to defense systems that could potentially deploy active protection systems; and (F) an identification and assessment of critical tech- nology elements of active protection systems. (3) REPORT.—Not later than December 31, 2008, the Sec- retary shall submit to the congressional defense committees a report on the assessment under paragraph (1). Subti t leC—Ba lli s ti cM issile D e f e n se SEC. 221. PARTICIPATION O FD IRECTOR , OPERATIONA L TEST AND EVAL U ATION, IN MISSILE DEFENSE TEST AND EVALUA - TION ACTIVITIES. Section 139 of title 10, United States Code, is amended—