Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/614

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12 2 STA T .59 1 PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 1 8 1 —J A N .28 , 2008 ‘ ‘ (B)Inthe e v ent the S e cr et a r yofE ner g y isu na bl etoco mp lete reme d iation at the M oab Site by O ctober 1,20 1 9 , the Secretary shall submit to C ongress a plan setting forth the pro j ected comple - tion date and the estimated funding to meet the revised date .T he Secretary shall submit the plan, if re q uired, to Congress not later than October 2, 2019. ’ ’. TI T LEX XX V—MAR ITIME A D MI N I S TRATI O N Subti t leA—Mar iti m eA d mi n i s trati o n R eaut h ori z ation Se c.3501 . Authorization o f a p propriations for fiscal y ear 2 00 8 . Sec. 3502. T emporary authority to transfer obsolete combatant v essels to N avy for disposal. Sec. 3503. V essel disposal pro g ram. Subtitle B — P rograms Sec. 3511. C ommercial vessel chartering authority. Sec. 3512. Maritime Administration vessel chartering authority. Sec. 3513. Chartering to State and local governmental instrumentalities. Sec. 351 4 . D isposal of obsolete G overnment vessels. Sec. 3515. Vessel transfer authority. Sec. 351 6 . Sea trials for Ready Reserve F orce. Sec. 351 7 . Revie w of applications for loans and guarantees. Subtitle C—Technical Corrections Sec. 3521. Personal in j ury to or death of seamen. Sec. 3522. Amendments to Chapter 537 based on Public L aw 10 9– 163. Sec. 3523. Additional amendments based on Public Law 109–163. Sec. 3524. Amendments based on Public Law 109–171. Sec. 3525. Amendments based on Public Law 109–241. Sec. 3526. Amendments based on Public Law 109–364. Sec. 3527. Miscellaneous amendments. Sec. 3528. Application of sunset provision to codified provision. Sec. 3529. Additional technical corrections. S ubti t le A—M ar iti m eA d mi n i s trati o n Reaut h ori z ation SEC.3501 . AUTHORIZ ATIO N O F A P PROPRIATIONS FOR FISCA LY EAR 2 00 8 . F unds are hereby authori z ed to be appropriated for fiscal year 200 8 , to be available w ithout fiscal year limitation if so provided in appropriations A cts, for the use of the D epartment of Transpor- tation for the Maritime Administration as follows

(1) For e x penses necessary for operations and training activities, $ 12 4 , 3 03,000, of which — (A) $ 6 3,9 5 8,000 shall remain available until expended for expenses and capital improvements at the U nited States Merchant Marine Academy

and (B) $11,500,000 which shall remain available until expended for maintenance and repair of school ships at the State Maritime Academies. (2) For expenses to maintain and preserve a United States- flag merchant fleet to serve the national security needs of the United States under chapter 531 of title 46, United States Code, $156,000,000. (3) For paying reimbursement under section 351 7 of the Maritime Security Act of 2003 (46 U.S.C. 53101 note), $19,500,000. Deadlin e .P lan.