Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/648

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12 2 STA T .6 2 5PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 1 8 6 —FE B.1 4, 2008 ‘ ‘ (i ii )theAdm i n i s t ra ti o n (in addition to the Administrator)

‘‘(i v ) the D e p artment o fL a b or; ‘‘(v) the Department of the T reas u r y

‘‘(vi) the G enera lS ervi c es Administration; ‘‘(vii) the O ffice of M ana g ement and B udget; and ‘‘(viii) 4 representatives from a veterans service organi z ation or military organization or association , selected by the P resident . ‘‘( 3 )D UTIES . — The tas k force shall— ‘‘(A) consult regularly w ith veterans service organiza - tions and military organizations in performing the duties of the task force; and ‘‘(B) coordinate administrative and regulatory activities and develop proposals relating to— ‘‘(i) improving capital access and capacity of small business concerns owned and controlled by service- disabled veterans and small business concerns owned and controlled by veterans through loans, surety bonding, and franchising; ‘‘(ii) ensuring achievement of the pre-established F ederal contracting goals for small business concerns owned and controlled by service-disabled veterans and small business concerns owned and controlled by vet- erans through e x panded mentor-prote ´ ge´ assistance and matching such small business concerns with con- tracting opportunities; ‘‘(iii) increasing the integrity of certifications of status as a small business concern owned and con- trolled by service-disabled veterans or a small business concern owned and controlled by veterans; ‘‘(iv) reducing paperwork and administrative bur- dens on veterans in accessing business development and entrepreneurship opportunities; ‘‘(v) increasing and improving training and coun- seling services provided to small business concerns owned and controlled by veterans; and ‘‘(vi) making other improvements relating to the support for veterans business development by the Fed- eral Government. ’ ’. SEC.103 . P E RMAN EN T E X TENS IO NO F S B AA DV ISOR Y COMMITTEE ON VETERANS B U SINESS AFFAIRS. (a) ASSU MP TI ON O F DUTIES.—Section 33 of the Small Business Act ( 15U .S. C . 6 5 7 c) is amended— (1) by striking subsection (h); and ( 2 ) by redesignating subsections (i) through (k) as sub- sections (h) through ( j ), respectively. (b) PE R M A NENT EX TENSION OF AUT H ORIT Y .—Section 2 0 3of the V eterans Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development Act of1 9 99 (15 U.S.C. 657b note) is amended by striking subsection (h). SEC. 10 4 . OFFICE OF VETERANS BUSINESS DEVE L OPMENT. Section 32 of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 657b) is amended by inserting after subsection (c) (as added by section 102) the following