Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 122.djvu/904

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12 2 STA T .8 81 PUBLIC LA W 11 0– 2 3 3 —M A Y 21 , 2008 PublicLaw1 1 0–23 3 110 thCongres s A n Act Topr o hib i td i sc ri m i na tion on th e basis o fg enetic information w ith respect to hea l th ins u rance and emplo y ment .Beit e nac te dby t h e S enate and Hous eo fR e pr esentati v es of the U nited States of Am erica in C on g ress assemb l ed ,SECTION1. S H O R T TIT L E

T AB LEO F CONTENTS. (a)SHORTTI T LE.— T hisActm a ybe cite d as the ‘ ‘ G e n etic I n for mation N ondiscrimination Act of 20 0 8’ ’. (b) T AB LEO FC O N TENT S .—The tab l e of contents of this Act is as follo w s


ec. 1 . Short title

table of contents. Sec. 2 . F indings. T I T LE I —G E N ETI C N O N D ISC R I M IN A TION IN H EALTH INS U RANCE Sec. 1 0 1. Amendments to Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1 974 . Sec. 102. Amendments to the P ublic Health Ser v ice Act. Sec. 10 3 . Amendments to the Internal Revenue Code of 19 86 . Sec. 104. Amendments to title XV III of the Social Security Act relating to medigap. Sec. 10 5 . Privacy and confidentiality. Sec. 106. Assuring coordination. TITLE II—PROHI B ITING EMPLO Y MENT DISCRIMINATION ON THE BASIS OF GENETIC INFORMATION Sec. 201. Definitions. Sec. 202. Employer practices. Sec. 203. Employment agency practices. Sec. 204. Labor organi z ation practices. Sec. 205. Training programs. Sec. 206. Confidentiality of genetic information. Sec. 207. Remedies and enforcement. Sec. 208. Disparate impact. Sec. 209. Construction. Sec. 210. Medical information that is not genetic information. Sec. 211. Regulations. Sec. 212. Authorization of appropriations. Sec. 213. Effective date. TITLE III—MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS Sec. 301. Severability. Sec. 302. Child labor protections. SEC. 2 . FIN D IN G S. Con g ress ma k es the following findings: ( 1 ) D eci p hering the se qu ence of the human genome and other ad v ances in genetics open ma j or new opportunities for medical progress. New knowledge about the genetic basis of illness will allow for earlier detection of illnesses , often before symptoms have begun. Genetic testing can allow individuals to take steps to reduce the likelihood that they will contract 42USC 2 0 00 f f note.G enet icI nfo rma tion N on -d i s crimination A ct of 200 8 . 42 USC 2000ff note. M a y 2 1, 2008 [H . R .4 93]